diff options
authorH. Peter Anvin <hpa@zytor.com>2011-09-26 15:00:10 -0700
committerH. Peter Anvin <hpa@zytor.com>2011-09-26 15:00:10 -0700
commite24ae94d2ff2e89c4bbc24d0f5f594dd53b6cef4 (patch)
Initial revision
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data-upload.pl b/data-upload.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46823b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data-upload.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+# This script should be run with the permissions of the user that
+# is uploading files.
+# Arguments are :-separated and URL-escaped.
+# It accepts the following commands:
+# DATA byte-count
+# - receives a new data blob (follows immediately)
+# TAR git-tree:tree-ish:prefix
+# - generate a data blob from a git tree (git archive)
+# DIFF git-tree:tree-ish:tree-ish
+# - generate a data blob as a git tree diff
+# SIGN byte-count
+# - updates the current signature blob (follows immediately)
+# PUT pathname
+# - installs the current data blob as <pathname>
+# MOVE old-path:new-path
+# - moves <old-path> to <new-path>
+# LINK old-path:new-path
+# - hard links <old-path> to <new-path>
+# SYMLINK old-path:new-path
+# - symlinks <old-path> to <new-path>
+# DELETE old-path
+# - removes <old-path>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use bytes;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress qw(anyuncompress $AnyUncompressError) ;
+use BSD::Resource;
+my $data_path = '/home/hpa/kernel.org/test/pub';
+my $sign_path = '/home/hpa/kernel.org/test/sign';
+my $tmp_path = '/var/tmp/upload';
+my $max_data = 1*1024*1024*1024;
+my $bufsiz = 1024*1024;
+setrlimit(RLIMIT_FSIZE, $max_data, RLIM_INFINITY);
+my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => $tmp_path, CLEANUP => 1);
+my $have_data = 0;
+my $have_sign = 0;
+sub url_unescape($)
+ my($s) = @_;
+ my $c, $i, $o;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < length($s); $i++) {
+ $c = substr($s, $i, 1);
+ if ($c eq '%') {
+ $c = substr($s, $i+1, 2);
+ return undef if (length($c) != 2);
+ $o .= chr(hex $c);
+ $i += 2;
+ } else {
+ $o .= $c;
+ }
+ }
+ return $o;
+sub parse_line($)
+ my($line) = @_;
+ chomp $line;
+ if ($line !~ /^([A-Z0-9_]+)\s+(\S*)$/) {
+ return undef; # Invalid syntax
+ }
+ my $cmd = $1;
+ my @rawargs = split(/\:/, $2);
+ my @args = ();
+ foreach my $ra (@rawargs) {
+ my $a = url_unescape($ra);
+ return undef if (!defined($a));
+ push(@args, $a);
+ }
+ return @args;
+# This returns true if the given argument is a valid filename in its
+# canonical form. Double slashes, relative paths, and control
+# characters are not permitted.
+sub is_valid_file_name($)
+ my($f) = @_;
+ return 0 if ($f !~ m:^/:);
+ return 0 if ($f =~ m:[\0-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]:);
+ return 0 if ($f =~ m:/$:);
+ return 0 if ($f =~ m://:);
+ return 0 if ($f =~ m:/(\.|\.\.)(/|$):);
+ return 1;
+sub get_raw_data(@)
+ my @args = @_;
+ if (scalar(@args) != 1 || $args[0] !~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
+ die "400 Bad DATA command\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ my $output = $tmpdir.'/data';
+ anyuncompress(STDIN => $output,
+ BinModeOut => 1,
+ InputLength => ($args[0] + 0),
+ Append => 0,
+ AutoClose => 0,
+ Transparent => 1,
+ BlockSize => $bufsiz)
+ or die "400 DATA decompression error: $AnyUncompressError\n";
+ $have_data = 1;
+sub get_tar_data(@)
+ die "TAR not yet implemented\n";
+sub get_diff_data(@)
+ die "DIFF not yet implemented\n";
+sub get_sign_data(@)
+ my @args = @_;
+ if (scalar(@args) != 1 || $args[0] !~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
+ die "400 Bad SIGN command\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ my $output = $tmpdir.'/sign';
+ anyuncompress STDIN => $output,
+ BinModeOut => 1,
+ InputLength => ($args[0] + 0),
+ Append => 0,
+ AutoClose => 0,
+ Transparent => 1,
+ BlockSize => $bufsiz
+ or die "400 SIGN decompression error: $AnyUncompressError\n";
+ if ((-s $output) >= 65536) {
+ die "400 SIGN output impossibly large\n";
+ }
+ $have_sign = 1;
+sub make_compressed_data()
+ die if (!$have_data);
+ my %workers;
+ my @jobs =
+ ("/bin/gzip -9 < \Q${tmpdir}/data\E > \Q${tmpdir}/data.gz\E",
+ "/usr/bin/bzip2 -9 < \Q${tmpdir}/data\E > \Q${tmpdir}/data.bz2\E",
+ "/usr/bin/xz -9 < \Q${tmpdir}/data\E > \Q${tmpdir}/data.xz\E");
+ my $nworkers = 0;
+ foreach my $j (@jobs) {
+ my $w = fork();
+ if (!defined($w)) {
+ die "Fork failed\n";
+ }
+ if ($w == 0) {
+ exec($j);
+ exit 127;
+ }
+ $workers{$w}++;
+ $nworkers++;
+ }
+ while ($nworkers) {
+ my $w = wait();
+ my $status = $?;
+ if ($workers{$w}) {
+ undef $workers{$w};
+ if ($status) {
+ foreach my $c (keys %workers) {
+ kill('TERM', $c);
+ }
+ die "Failed to compress output data\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $nworkers--;
+ }
+sub cleanup()
+ unlink($tmpdir.'/data');
+ unlink($tmpdir.'/data.gz');
+ unlink($tmpdir.'/data.bz2');
+ unlink($tmpdir.'/data.xz');
+ unlink($tmpdir.'/sign');
+ $have_data = 0;
+ $have_sign = 0;
+sub signature_valid()
+ # GPG verify an authorized signature here
+ return 1;
+sub put_file(@)
+ my @args = @_;
+ if (scalar(@args) != 1) {
+ die "400 Bad PUT command\n";
+ }
+ my($file) = @args;
+ if (!$have_data) {
+ die "400 PUT without DATA\n";
+ }
+ if (!$have_sign) {
+ die "400 PUT without SIGN\n";
+ }
+ if (!signature_valid()) {
+ die "400 Signature invalid\n";
+ }
+ if (!is_valid_filename($file)) {
+ die "400 Invalid filename in PUT command\n";
+ }
+ if ($file =~ /^(.*)\.gz$/) {
+ my $stem = $1;
+ make_compressed_data();
+ if (!rename($tmpdir.'/data.gz', $data_path.$stem.'.gz') ||
+ !rename($tmpdir.'/data.bz2', $data_path.$stem.'.bz2') ||
+ !rename($tmpdir.'/data.xz', $data_path.$stem.'.xz') ||
+ !rename($tmpdir.'/sign', $data_path.$stem.'.sign')) {
+ unlink($data_path.$stem.'.gz');
+ unlink($data_path.$stem.'.bz2');
+ unlink($data_path.$stem.'.xz');
+ unlink($data_path.$stem.'.sign');
+ die "400 Failed to install files\n";
+ }
+ } elsif ($file =~ /\.(sign|bz2|xz)$/) {
+ die "400 Cannot install .sign, .bz2 or .xz files directly\n";
+ } else {
+ if (!rename($tmpdir.'/data', $data_path.$file) ||
+ !rename($tmpdir.'/sign', $data_path.$file.'.sign')) {
+ unlink($data_path.$file);
+ unlink($data_path.$file.'.sign');
+ die "400 Failed to install files\n";
+ }
+ }
+ cleanup();
+sub move_file(@)
+ my @args = @_;
+ if (scalar(@args) != 2) {
+ die "400 Bad MOVE command\n";
+ }
+ my($from, $to) = @args;
+ if (!is_valid_filename($from) || !is_valid_filename($to)) {
+ die "400 Invalid filename in MOVE command\n";
+ }
+ if ($
+sub link_file(@)
+ ...;
+sub symlink_file(@)
+ ...;
+sub delete_file(@)
+ ...;
+my $line;
+while (defined($line = <STDIN>)) {
+ my($cmd, @args) = parse_line($line);
+ if (!defined($cmd)) {
+ die "400 Syntax error\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ if ($cmd eq 'DATA') {
+ get_raw_data(@args);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'TAR') {
+ get_tar_data(@args);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'DIFF') {
+ get_diff_data(@args);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'SIGN') {
+ get_sign_data(@args);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'PUT') {
+ put_file(@args);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'MOVE') {
+ move_file(@args);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'LINK') {
+ link_file(@args);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'SYMLINK') {
+ symlink_file(@args);
+ } elsif ($cmd eq 'DELETE') {
+ delete_file(@args);
+ } else {
+ die "400 Invalid command\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }