diff options
authorH. Peter Anvin <hpa@smyrno.hos.anvin.org>2005-11-24 20:49:13 -0800
committerH. Peter Anvin <hpa@smyrno.hos.anvin.org>2005-11-24 20:49:13 -0800
commit5ea8095915e4df6da49375e41819e57c544d657b (patch)
parent3592acd46579c6d2c62f04106ad6f975d5d8238e (diff)
Correct Jamo code; make names list; dump properties for property range analysis
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/convert_ucd.pl b/convert_ucd.pl
index b6bd8da..ad1402c 100755
--- a/convert_ucd.pl
+++ b/convert_ucd.pl
@@ -186,31 +186,156 @@ sub make_jamo_tables() {
my $VCount = 21;
my $TCount = 28;
my $i;
+ my $fh;
# None of the syllables exceed 4 bytes, so let's not waste
# pointer space that might have to be relocated...
- print "const char libucd_hangul_jamo_l[$LCount][4] = {\n";
+ open($fh, '>', 'gen/jamo.c') or die "$0 cannot create gen/jamo.c";
+ print $fh "#include \"libucd_int.h\"\n\n";
+ print $fh "const char libucd_hangul_jamo_l[$LCount][4] = {\n";
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $LCount ; $i++ ) {
- printf "\t%s,\n", make_jamo_string(${$ucs_props{$LBase+$i}}{'Jamo_Short_Name'});
+ printf $fh "\t%s,\n", make_jamo_string(${$ucs_props{$LBase+$i}}{'Jamo_Short_Name'});
- print "};\n";
- print "const char libucd_hangul_jamo_v[$VCount][4] = {\n";
+ print $fh "};\n";
+ print $fh "const char libucd_hangul_jamo_v[$VCount][4] = {\n";
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $VCount ; $i++ ) {
- printf "\t%s,\n", make_jamo_string(${$ucs_props{$VBase+$i}}{'Jamo_Short_Name'});
+ printf $fh "\t%s,\n", make_jamo_string(${$ucs_props{$VBase+$i}}{'Jamo_Short_Name'});
- print "};\n";
- print "const char libucd_hangul_jamo_t[$TCount][4] = {\n";
+ print $fh "};\n";
+ print $fh "const char libucd_hangul_jamo_t[$TCount][4] = {\n";
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $TCount ; $i++ ) {
- printf "\t%s,\n", make_jamo_string(${$ucs_props{$TBase+$i}}{'Jamo_Short_Name'});
+ printf $fh "\t%s,\n", make_jamo_string(${$ucs_props{$TBase+$i}}{'Jamo_Short_Name'});
+ }
+ print $fh "};\n";
+ close($fh);
+# This produces a names list, and stores for each character which index in
+# the names list they correspond to. We use a long names list with indexes
+# instead of pointers to avoid fixups, and to conserve space on 64-bit
+# architectures. Sort it in order by keyspace to improve cache locality.
+%name_to_index = ();
+%name_to_ucs = ();
+sub make_names_list() {
+ my $k;
+ my $pos = 0;
+ my $fh;
+ my $col;
+ open($fh, '>', 'gen/nameslist.c') or die "$0: Cannot create gen/nameslist.c";
+ print $fh "#include \"libucd_int.h\"\n\n";
+ print $fh "const char libucd_names_list[] = {";
+ $col = 9999;
+ foreach $k ( sort {$a <=> $b} (keys(%ucs_props)) ) {
+ print STDERR "Not a number: \"$k\"\n" if ( $k ne ($k+0) );
+ my $n = ${$ucs_props{$k}}{'Name'};
+ if ( defined($n) ) {
+ if ( defined($name_to_ucs{$n}) ) {
+ printf STDERR "WARNING: Name \"%s\" duplicated from U+%04X to U+%04X\n",
+ $n, $k, $name_to_ucs{$n};
+ } else {
+ $name_to_ucs{$n} = $k;
+ $name_to_index{$n} = $pos;
+ $pos += length($n) + 1;
+ my $i;
+ for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= length($n) ; $i++ ) {
+ my $c = substr($n,$i,1);
+ if ( $col >= 72 ) {
+ print $fh "\n\t";
+ $col = 8;
+ }
+ print $fh ( $c ne '' ) ? " \'$c\'," : " 0,";
+ $col += 5;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh "\n};\n";
+ close($fh);
+# Produce gperf output for names-to-UCS lookup
+# Note that Hangul syllabics are added to the gperf list but not
+# to the names list; we can verify the Hangul against the systematic
+# name generator. However, for CJK it's easier to just do a pattern
+# match from the beginning.
+sub make_name_gperf()
+ my $fh;
+ my $k;
+ open($fh, '>', 'gen/nametoucs.gperf')
+ or die "$0: cannot write gen/nametoucs.gperf\n";
+ foreach $k ( keys(%name_to_ucs) ) {
+ printf $fh "%s,%u\n", $k, $name_to_ucs{$k};
+ }
+ close($fh);
+# Produce a list of character properties, sans names; this is
+# a test in order to figure out how much we could save from a
+# range-oriented table for everything except names.
+sub dump_prop_list()
+ my $fh, $c;
+ open($fh, '>', 'gen/propdump.txt')
+ or die "$0: cannot write gen/propdump.txt\n";
+ binmode $fh, ':utf8';
+ for ( $c = 0 ; $c <= 0x10ffff ; $c++ ) {
+ my %h = %{$ucs_props{$c}};
+ # Handle these separately
+ delete $h{'Name'};
+ delete $h{'Unicode_1_Name'};
+ delete $h{'ISO_Comment'};
+ delete $h{'Decomposition_Mapping'};
+ # delete $h{'Uppercase_Mapping'};
+ # delete $h{'Lowercase_Mapping'};
+ # delete $h{'Titlecase_Mapping'};
+ # delete $h{'Special_Case_Condition'};
+ delete $h{'Jamo_Short_Name'};
+ # Store these as offsets.
+ my $k;
+ foreach $k ( 'Simple_Uppercase_Mapping',
+ 'Simple_Lowercase_Mapping',
+ 'Simple_Titlecase_Mapping' ) {
+ if ( defined($h{$k}) ) {
+ $h{$k} -= $c; # Convert to offset
+ } else {
+ $h{$k} = 0; # Default is zero offset
+ }
+ }
+ my @l = sort(keys(%h));
+ my $p;
+ printf $fh "%05X ", $c;
+ foreach $p ( @l ) {
+ print $fh $p,':',$h{$p},';';
+ }
+ print $fh "\n";
- print "};\n";
# Import files
['!Name', 'eGeneral_Category', 'nCanonical_Combining_Class',
'eBidi_Class', '!Decomposition', undef, undef,
'eNumeric_Value', 'bBidi_Mirrored',
@@ -219,29 +344,29 @@ read_separated_file('UnicodeData.txt',
['<reserved>', 'Cn', 0, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
'N', undef, undef, '=', '=', '=']);
-read_separated_file('extracted/DerivedNumericType.txt', ['eNumeric_Type'], []);
-read_separated_file('extracted/DerivedNumericValues.txt', ['eNumeric_Value'], []);
-read_separated_file('extracted/DerivedBidiClass.txt', ['eBidi_Class'], ['L']);
-read_separated_file('ArabicShaping.txt', [undef, 'eJoining_Type', 'eJoining_Group'], []);
-read_separated_file('BidiMirroring.txt', ['pBidi_Mirroring_Glyph'], []);
-read_separated_file('Blocks.txt', ['cBlock'], []);
-read_separated_file('CompositionExclusions.txt', 'bComposition_Exclusion', []);
-read_separated_file('CaseFolding.txt', ['eCase_Folding_Type', 'sCase_Folding'], []);
-read_separated_file('DerivedAge.txt', ['cAge'], []);
-read_separated_file('EastAsianWidth.txt', ['eEast_Asian_Width'], []);
-read_separated_file('HangulSyllableType.txt', ['eHangul_Syllable_Type'], []);
-read_separated_file('LineBreak.txt', ['eLine_Break'], []);
-read_separated_file('Scripts.txt', ['cScript'], ['Common']);
-read_separated_file('SpecialCasing.txt', ['sUppercase_Mapping', 'sLowercase_Mapping',
+read_separated_file('ucd/extracted/DerivedNumericType.txt', ['eNumeric_Type'], []);
+read_separated_file('ucd/extracted/DerivedNumericValues.txt', ['eNumeric_Value'], []);
+read_separated_file('ucd/extracted/DerivedBidiClass.txt', ['eBidi_Class'], ['L']);
+read_separated_file('ucd/ArabicShaping.txt', [undef, 'eJoining_Type', 'eJoining_Group'], []);
+read_separated_file('ucd/BidiMirroring.txt', ['pBidi_Mirroring_Glyph'], []);
+read_separated_file('ucd/Blocks.txt', ['cBlock'], []);
+read_separated_file('ucd/CompositionExclusions.txt', 'bComposition_Exclusion', []);
+# read_separated_file('ucd/CaseFolding.txt', ['eCase_Folding_Type', 'sCase_Folding'], []);
+read_separated_file('ucd/DerivedAge.txt', ['cAge'], []);
+read_separated_file('ucd/EastAsianWidth.txt', ['eEast_Asian_Width'], []);
+read_separated_file('ucd/HangulSyllableType.txt', ['eHangul_Syllable_Type'], []);
+read_separated_file('ucd/LineBreak.txt', ['eLine_Break'], []);
+read_separated_file('ucd/Scripts.txt', ['cScript'], ['Common']);
+read_separated_file('ucd/SpecialCasing.txt', ['sUppercase_Mapping', 'sLowercase_Mapping',
'sTitlecase_Mapping', 'mSpecial_Case_Condition'], []);
-read_separated_file('Jamo.txt', ['mJamo_Short_Name'], []);
+read_separated_file('ucd/Jamo.txt', ['mJamo_Short_Name'], []);
# Produce output
-print "#include \"libucd_int.h\"\n\n";