diff options
authorTakashi Sakamoto <o-takashi@sakamocchi.jp>2022-03-17 18:12:19 +0900
committer坂本 貴史 <o-takashi@sakamocchi.jp>2022-03-18 11:17:29 +0900
commit427f46b2ae1be21f27f67ee7404d56f563e43afa (patch)
parent165644ab09f3e31b66d40bb61936b6faf314b845 (diff)
hinoko: move example programs
This commit moves example code from README to simplify it. Signed-off-by: Takashi Sakamoto <o-takashi@sakamocchi.jp>
6 files changed, 369 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 598e397..2306bb5 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ Dependencies
* ``glib`` >= 0.15
* FFI crate (``hinoko-sys``)
+See ``hinoko/examples`` directory
How to generate FFI and API crates
diff --git a/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-resource.rs b/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-resource.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f854127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-resource.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+use hinoko::*;
+use std::{sync, thread, time::Duration};
+const PATH: &str = "/dev/fw1";
+const CHANNEL: u8 = 32;
+const TIMEOUT: u32 = 10;
+fn launch_dispatcher(src: &glib::Source) -> (sync::Arc<glib::MainLoop>, thread::JoinHandle<()>) {
+ let ctx = glib::MainContext::new();
+ src.attach(Some(&ctx));
+ let dispatcher = glib::MainLoop::new(Some(&ctx), false);
+ let dispatcher_cntr = sync::Arc::new(dispatcher);
+ let d = dispatcher_cntr.clone();
+ let th = thread::spawn(move || {
+ d.run();
+ ()
+ });
+ loop {
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
+ if dispatcher_cntr.is_running() {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ (dispatcher_cntr, th)
+fn main() {
+ // Test allocation bound to bus-generation.
+ let res = FwIsoResource::new();
+ if res.open(PATH, 0).is_err() {
+ println!("Need to have access permission to /dev/fw1.");
+ return;
+ }
+ let src = res.create_source().unwrap();
+ let (dispatcher_cntr, th) = launch_dispatcher(&src);
+ res.allocate_once_sync(&[CHANNEL.into()], TIMEOUT).unwrap();
+ res.deallocate_once_sync(CHANNEL.into(), TIMEOUT).unwrap();
+ src.destroy();
+ dispatcher_cntr.quit();
+ th.join().unwrap();
+ // Test allocation maintained by Linux FireWire subsystem.
+ let res = FwIsoResourceAuto::new();
+ if res.open(PATH, 0).is_err() {
+ println!("Need to have access permission to /dev/fw1.");
+ return;
+ }
+ let src = res.create_source().unwrap();
+ let (dispatcher_cntr, th) = launch_dispatcher(&src);
+ res.allocate_sync(&[CHANNEL], TIMEOUT).unwrap();
+ res.deallocate_sync().unwrap();
+ src.destroy();
+ dispatcher_cntr.quit();
+ th.join().unwrap();
diff --git a/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-rx-multiple.rs b/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-rx-multiple.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d3a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-rx-multiple.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+use hinoko::*;
+use std::{sync, thread, time::Duration};
+const PATH: &str = "/dev/fw1";
+const DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
+fn launch_dispatcher(src: &glib::Source) -> (sync::Arc<glib::MainLoop>, thread::JoinHandle<()>) {
+ let ctx = glib::MainContext::new();
+ src.attach(Some(&ctx));
+ let dispatcher = glib::MainLoop::new(Some(&ctx), false);
+ let dispatcher_cntr = sync::Arc::new(dispatcher);
+ let d = dispatcher_cntr.clone();
+ let th = thread::spawn(move || {
+ d.run();
+ ()
+ });
+ loop {
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
+ if dispatcher_cntr.is_running() {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ (dispatcher_cntr, th)
+fn main() {
+ const ISOC_CHANNELS: &[u8] = &[30, 31, 32, 33];
+ const BYTES_PER_CHUNK: u32 = 4096;
+ const CHUNKS_PER_BUFFER: u32 = 32;
+ const ISOC_SYNC: u32 = 0;
+ const CHUNKS_PER_INTERRUPT: u32 = 4;
+ let isoc_tags: FwIsoCtxMatchFlag = FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG0
+ | FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG1
+ | FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG2
+ | FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG3;
+ let ir = FwIsoRxMultiple::new();
+ if ir.allocate(PATH, ISOC_CHANNELS).is_err() {
+ println!("Need to have access permission to {}.", PATH);
+ return;
+ }
+ ir.map_buffer(BYTES_PER_CHUNK, CHUNKS_PER_BUFFER).unwrap();
+ ir.connect_interrupted(|ir, count: u32| {
+ let mut frames = [0; 4];
+ (0..count).for_each(|i| {
+ let data = ir.get_payload(i).unwrap();
+ frames.copy_from_slice(&data[0..4]);
+ let iso_header = u32::from_le_bytes(frames);
+ let payload_size = data.len() - 8;
+ let end = data.len();
+ frames.copy_from_slice(&data[(end - 4)..end]);
+ let tstamp = u32::from_le_bytes(frames);
+ println!("{:8x} {:8x} {:4}", tstamp, iso_header, payload_size);
+ });
+ });
+ let src = ir.create_source().unwrap();
+ let (dispatcher_cntr, th) = launch_dispatcher(&src);
+ ir.start(None, ISOC_SYNC, isoc_tags, CHUNKS_PER_INTERRUPT)
+ .unwrap();
+ thread::sleep(DURATION);
+ ir.stop();
+ dispatcher_cntr.quit();
+ th.join().unwrap();
+ ir.unmap_buffer();
+ ir.release();
diff --git a/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-rx-single.rs b/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-rx-single.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc576e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-rx-single.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+use hinoko::*;
+use std::{cmp, sync, thread, time::Duration};
+const PATH: &str = "/dev/fw1";
+const DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
+fn launch_dispatcher(src: &glib::Source) -> (sync::Arc<glib::MainLoop>, thread::JoinHandle<()>) {
+ let ctx = glib::MainContext::new();
+ src.attach(Some(&ctx));
+ let dispatcher = glib::MainLoop::new(Some(&ctx), false);
+ let dispatcher_cntr = sync::Arc::new(dispatcher);
+ let d = dispatcher_cntr.clone();
+ let th = thread::spawn(move || {
+ d.run();
+ ()
+ });
+ loop {
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
+ if dispatcher_cntr.is_running() {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ (dispatcher_cntr, th)
+fn main() {
+ const ISOC_CHANNEL: u32 = 20;
+ const CTX_HEADER_SIZE: u32 = 8;
+ const MAXIMUM_BYTES_PER_PAYLOAD: u32 = 32;
+ const PAYLOADS_PER_BUFFER: u32 = 32;
+ const PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT: u32 = 8;
+ const ISOC_SYNC: u32 = 0;
+ const ISOC_TAG: FwIsoCtxMatchFlag = FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG1;
+ let packet_count_cntr: sync::Arc<sync::Mutex<u32>> = sync::Arc::new(sync::Mutex::new(0));
+ let ir = FwIsoRxSingle::new();
+ if ir.allocate(PATH, ISOC_CHANNEL, CTX_HEADER_SIZE).is_err() {
+ println!("Need to have access permission to {}.", PATH);
+ return;
+ }
+ .unwrap();
+ let cntr = packet_count_cntr.clone();
+ ir.connect_interrupted(move |ir, sec: u32, cycle: u32, header: &[u8], count: u32| {
+ let mut frames = [0; 4];
+ println!("sec: {}, cycle: {}, count: {}", sec, cycle, count);
+ if let Ok(mut packet_count) = cntr.lock() {
+ (0..count).for_each(|i| {
+ let mut ctx_header: [u32; 2] = [0; 2];
+ let pos: usize = (CTX_HEADER_SIZE * i) as usize;
+ frames.copy_from_slice(&header[pos..(pos + 4)]);
+ ctx_header[0] = u32::from_be_bytes(frames);
+ frames.copy_from_slice(&header[(pos + 4)..(pos + 8)]);
+ ctx_header[1] = u32::from_be_bytes(frames);
+ let payload = ir.get_payload(i).unwrap();
+ println!(
+ " {:2}: {:08x} {:08x} {:2}",
+ i,
+ ctx_header[0],
+ ctx_header[1],
+ payload.len()
+ );
+ *packet_count += 1;
+ if *packet_count >= u32::MAX {
+ *packet_count %= PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT;
+ }
+ let schedule_interrupt = *packet_count % PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT == 0;
+ ir.register_packet(schedule_interrupt).unwrap();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ let src = ir.create_source().unwrap();
+ let (dispatcher_cntr, th) = launch_dispatcher(&src);
+ let init_count: u32 = cmp::min(PAYLOADS_PER_BUFFER / 2, PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT * 2);
+ (0..init_count).for_each(|i| {
+ let schedule_interrupt = i % PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT == 0;
+ ir.register_packet(schedule_interrupt).unwrap();
+ });
+ *packet_count_cntr.lock().unwrap() = init_count;
+ ir.start(None, ISOC_SYNC, ISOC_TAG).unwrap();
+ thread::sleep(DURATION);
+ ir.stop();
+ dispatcher_cntr.quit();
+ th.join().unwrap();
+ ir.unmap_buffer();
+ ir.release();
diff --git a/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-tx.rs b/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-tx.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ad8ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hinoko/examples/fw-iso-tx.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+use hinoko::*;
+use std::{cmp, sync, thread, time::Duration};
+const PATH: &str = "/dev/fw1";
+const DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
+fn launch_dispatcher(src: &glib::Source) -> (sync::Arc<glib::MainLoop>, thread::JoinHandle<()>) {
+ let ctx = glib::MainContext::new();
+ src.attach(Some(&ctx));
+ let dispatcher = glib::MainLoop::new(Some(&ctx), false);
+ let dispatcher_cntr = sync::Arc::new(dispatcher);
+ let d = dispatcher_cntr.clone();
+ let th = thread::spawn(move || {
+ d.run();
+ ()
+ });
+ loop {
+ thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
+ if dispatcher_cntr.is_running() {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ (dispatcher_cntr, th)
+fn main() {
+ const ISOC_SPEED: FwScode = FwScode::S400;
+ const ISOC_CHANNEL: u32 = 30;
+ const CTX_HEADER_SIZE: u32 = 8;
+ const MAXIMUM_BYTES_PER_PAYLOAD: u32 = 32;
+ const PAYLOADS_PER_BUFFER: u32 = 32;
+ const PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT: u32 = 8;
+ const ISOC_SYNC: u32 = 0;
+ const ISOC_TAG: FwIsoCtxMatchFlag = FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG0;
+ let packet_count_cntr: sync::Arc<sync::Mutex<u32>> = sync::Arc::new(sync::Mutex::new(0));
+ let it = FwIsoTx::new();
+ if it
+ .is_err()
+ {
+ println!("Need to have access permission to {}.", PATH);
+ return;
+ }
+ .unwrap();
+ let cntr = packet_count_cntr.clone();
+ it.connect_interrupted(move |it, sec: u32, cycle: u32, header: &[u8], count: u32| {
+ let my_header = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
+ let my_payload = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
+ let mut frames = [0; 4];
+ println!("sec: {}, cycle: {}, count: {}", sec, cycle, count);
+ if let Ok(mut packet_count) = cntr.lock() {
+ (0..count).for_each(|i| {
+ let index = 4 * i as usize;
+ frames.copy_from_slice(&header[index..(index + 4)]);
+ let tstamp = u32::from_be_bytes(frames);
+ println!(" {:2}: {:08x}", i, tstamp);
+ *packet_count += 1;
+ if *packet_count >= u32::MAX {
+ *packet_count %= PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT;
+ }
+ let schedule_interrupt = *packet_count % PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT == 0;
+ it.register_packet(
+ Some(&my_header),
+ Some(&my_payload),
+ schedule_interrupt,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ let src = it.create_source().unwrap();
+ let (dispatcher_cntr, th) = launch_dispatcher(&src);
+ let skip_count: u32 = cmp::min(PAYLOADS_PER_BUFFER / 2, PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT * 2);
+ (0..skip_count).for_each(|i| {
+ let schedule_interrupt = i % PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT == 0;
+ it.register_packet(ISOC_TAG, ISOC_SYNC, None, None, schedule_interrupt)
+ .unwrap();
+ });
+ *packet_count_cntr.lock().unwrap() = skip_count;
+ it.start(None).unwrap();
+ thread::sleep(DURATION);
+ it.stop();
+ dispatcher_cntr.quit();
+ th.join().unwrap();
+ it.unmap_buffer();
+ it.release();
diff --git a/hinoko/src/lib.rs b/hinoko/src/lib.rs
index 2323e6b..f78adcb 100644
--- a/hinoko/src/lib.rs
+++ b/hinoko/src/lib.rs
@@ -15,288 +15,3 @@ pub use ffi;
use glib::{signal::*, translate::*, Cast, IsA, SignalHandlerId, StaticType, Value};
use libc::c_uint;
-mod tests {
- use crate::*;
- use std::{cmp, sync, thread, time::Duration};
- const PATH: &str = "/dev/fw1";
- const DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
- fn launch_dispatcher(
- src: &glib::Source,
- ) -> (sync::Arc<glib::MainLoop>, thread::JoinHandle<()>) {
- let ctx = glib::MainContext::new();
- src.attach(Some(&ctx));
- let dispatcher = glib::MainLoop::new(Some(&ctx), false);
- let dispatcher_cntr = sync::Arc::new(dispatcher);
- let d = dispatcher_cntr.clone();
- let th = thread::spawn(move || {
- d.run();
- ()
- });
- loop {
- thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10));
- if dispatcher_cntr.is_running() {
- break;
- }
- }
- (dispatcher_cntr, th)
- }
- #[test]
- fn iso_rx_single() {
- const ISOC_CHANNEL: u32 = 20;
- const CTX_HEADER_SIZE: u32 = 8;
- const MAXIMUM_BYTES_PER_PAYLOAD: u32 = 32;
- const PAYLOADS_PER_BUFFER: u32 = 32;
- const PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT: u32 = 8;
- const ISOC_SYNC: u32 = 0;
- const ISOC_TAG: FwIsoCtxMatchFlag = FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG1;
- let packet_count_cntr: sync::Arc<sync::Mutex<u32>> = sync::Arc::new(sync::Mutex::new(0));
- let ir = FwIsoRxSingle::new();
- if ir.allocate(PATH, ISOC_CHANNEL, CTX_HEADER_SIZE).is_err() {
- println!("Need to have access permission to {}.", PATH);
- return;
- }
- .unwrap();
- let cntr = packet_count_cntr.clone();
- ir.connect_interrupted(move |ir, sec: u32, cycle: u32, header: &[u8], count: u32| {
- let mut frames = [0; 4];
- println!("sec: {}, cycle: {}, count: {}", sec, cycle, count);
- if let Ok(mut packet_count) = cntr.lock() {
- (0..count).for_each(|i| {
- let mut ctx_header: [u32; 2] = [0; 2];
- let pos: usize = (CTX_HEADER_SIZE * i) as usize;
- frames.copy_from_slice(&header[pos..(pos + 4)]);
- ctx_header[0] = u32::from_be_bytes(frames);
- frames.copy_from_slice(&header[(pos + 4)..(pos + 8)]);
- ctx_header[1] = u32::from_be_bytes(frames);
- let payload = ir.get_payload(i).unwrap();
- println!(
- " {:2}: {:08x} {:08x} {:2}",
- i,
- ctx_header[0],
- ctx_header[1],
- payload.len()
- );
- *packet_count += 1;
- if *packet_count >= u32::MAX {
- *packet_count %= PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT;
- }
- let schedule_interrupt = *packet_count % PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT == 0;
- ir.register_packet(schedule_interrupt).unwrap();
- });
- }
- });
- let src = ir.create_source().unwrap();
- let (dispatcher_cntr, th) = launch_dispatcher(&src);
- let init_count: u32 = cmp::min(PAYLOADS_PER_BUFFER / 2, PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT * 2);
- (0..init_count).for_each(|i| {
- let schedule_interrupt = i % PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT == 0;
- ir.register_packet(schedule_interrupt).unwrap();
- });
- *packet_count_cntr.lock().unwrap() = init_count;
- ir.start(None, ISOC_SYNC, ISOC_TAG).unwrap();
- thread::sleep(DURATION);
- ir.stop();
- dispatcher_cntr.quit();
- th.join().unwrap();
- ir.unmap_buffer();
- ir.release();
- }
- #[test]
- fn iso_rx_multiple() {
- const ISOC_CHANNELS: &[u8] = &[30, 31, 32, 33];
- const BYTES_PER_CHUNK: u32 = 4096;
- const CHUNKS_PER_BUFFER: u32 = 32;
- const ISOC_SYNC: u32 = 0;
- const CHUNKS_PER_INTERRUPT: u32 = 4;
- let isoc_tags: FwIsoCtxMatchFlag = FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG0
- | FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG1
- | FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG2
- | FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG3;
- let ir = FwIsoRxMultiple::new();
- if ir.allocate(PATH, ISOC_CHANNELS).is_err() {
- println!("Need to have access permission to {}.", PATH);
- return;
- }
- ir.map_buffer(BYTES_PER_CHUNK, CHUNKS_PER_BUFFER).unwrap();
- ir.connect_interrupted(|ir, count: u32| {
- let mut frames = [0; 4];
- (0..count).for_each(|i| {
- let data = ir.get_payload(i).unwrap();
- frames.copy_from_slice(&data[0..4]);
- let iso_header = u32::from_le_bytes(frames);
- let payload_size = data.len() - 8;
- let end = data.len();
- frames.copy_from_slice(&data[(end - 4)..end]);
- let tstamp = u32::from_le_bytes(frames);
- println!("{:8x} {:8x} {:4}", tstamp, iso_header, payload_size);
- });
- });
- let src = ir.create_source().unwrap();
- let (dispatcher_cntr, th) = launch_dispatcher(&src);
- ir.start(None, ISOC_SYNC, isoc_tags, CHUNKS_PER_INTERRUPT)
- .unwrap();
- thread::sleep(DURATION);
- ir.stop();
- dispatcher_cntr.quit();
- th.join().unwrap();
- ir.unmap_buffer();
- ir.release();
- }
- #[test]
- fn isoc_tx() {
- const ISOC_SPEED: FwScode = FwScode::S400;
- const ISOC_CHANNEL: u32 = 30;
- const CTX_HEADER_SIZE: u32 = 8;
- const MAXIMUM_BYTES_PER_PAYLOAD: u32 = 32;
- const PAYLOADS_PER_BUFFER: u32 = 32;
- const PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT: u32 = 8;
- const ISOC_SYNC: u32 = 0;
- const ISOC_TAG: FwIsoCtxMatchFlag = FwIsoCtxMatchFlag::TAG0;
- let packet_count_cntr: sync::Arc<sync::Mutex<u32>> = sync::Arc::new(sync::Mutex::new(0));
- let it = FwIsoTx::new();
- if it
- .is_err()
- {
- println!("Need to have access permission to {}.", PATH);
- return;
- }
- .unwrap();
- let cntr = packet_count_cntr.clone();
- it.connect_interrupted(move |it, sec: u32, cycle: u32, header: &[u8], count: u32| {
- let my_header = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
- let my_payload = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
- let mut frames = [0; 4];
- println!("sec: {}, cycle: {}, count: {}", sec, cycle, count);
- if let Ok(mut packet_count) = cntr.lock() {
- (0..count).for_each(|i| {
- let index = 4 * i as usize;
- frames.copy_from_slice(&header[index..(index + 4)]);
- let tstamp = u32::from_be_bytes(frames);
- println!(" {:2}: {:08x}", i, tstamp);
- *packet_count += 1;
- if *packet_count >= u32::MAX {
- *packet_count %= PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT;
- }
- let schedule_interrupt = *packet_count % PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT == 0;
- it.register_packet(
- Some(&my_header),
- Some(&my_payload),
- schedule_interrupt,
- )
- .unwrap();
- });
- }
- });
- let src = it.create_source().unwrap();
- let (dispatcher_cntr, th) = launch_dispatcher(&src);
- let skip_count: u32 = cmp::min(PAYLOADS_PER_BUFFER / 2, PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT * 2);
- (0..skip_count).for_each(|i| {
- let schedule_interrupt = i % PAYLOADS_PER_INTERRUPT == 0;
- it.register_packet(ISOC_TAG, ISOC_SYNC, None, None, schedule_interrupt)
- .unwrap();
- });
- *packet_count_cntr.lock().unwrap() = skip_count;
- it.start(None).unwrap();
- thread::sleep(DURATION);
- it.stop();
- dispatcher_cntr.quit();
- th.join().unwrap();
- it.unmap_buffer();
- it.release();
- }
- #[test]
- fn iso_resource() {
- // Test allocation bound to bus-generation.
- let res = FwIsoResource::new();
- if res.open("/dev/fw1", 0).is_err() {
- println!("Need to have access permission to /dev/fw1.");
- return;
- }
- let src = res.create_source().unwrap();
- let (dispatcher_cntr, th) = launch_dispatcher(&src);
- res.allocate_once_sync(&[32], 10).unwrap();
- res.deallocate_once_sync(32, 10).unwrap();
- src.destroy();
- dispatcher_cntr.quit();
- th.join().unwrap();
- // Test allocation maintained by Linux FireWire subsystem.
- let res = FwIsoResourceAuto::new();
- if res.open("/dev/fw1", 0).is_err() {
- println!("Need to have access permission to /dev/fw1.");
- return;
- }
- let src = res.create_source().unwrap();
- let (dispatcher_cntr, th) = launch_dispatcher(&src);
- res.allocate_sync(&[32], 10).unwrap();
- res.deallocate_sync().unwrap();
- src.destroy();
- dispatcher_cntr.quit();
- th.join().unwrap();
- }