use strict; my @protected_labels = ( 'devicenormative:Basic Facilities of a Virtio Device / Virtqueues / Virtqueue Interrupt Suppression', 'devicenormative:Basic Facilities of a Virtio Device / Virtqueues / Virtqueue Notification Suppression', 'devicenormative:General Initialization And Device Operation / Device Operation / Supplying Buffers to The Device / Virtqueue Notification Suppression', 'devicenormative:Virtio Transport Options / Virtio Over PCI Bus / PCI-specific Initialization And Device Operation / Virtqueue Interrupts From The Device', 'drivernormative:Basic Facilities of a Virtio Device / Virtqueues / Virtqueue Interrupt Suppression', 'drivernormative:Basic Facilities of a Virtio Device / Virtqueues / Virtqueue Notification Suppression', 'drivernormative:General Initialization And Device Operation / Device Operation / Supplying Buffers to The Device / Notifying The Device', 'drivernormative:General Initialization And Device Operation / Device Operation / Supplying Buffers to The Device / Updating idx', 'sec:Basic Facilities of a Virtio Device / Virtqueues / Virtqueue Interrupt Suppression', 'sec:General Initialization And Device Operation / Device Operation / Receiving Used Buffers From The Device', 'sec:Virtio Transport Options / Virtio Over PCI Bus / PCI-specific Initialization And Device Operation / Notifying The Device', 'sec:Virtio Transport Options / Virtio Over PCI Bus / PCI-specific Initialization And Device Operation / Virtqueue Interrupts From The Device', 'itm:General Initialization And Device Operation / Device Operation / Supplying Buffers to The Device / Place Buffers', 'itm:General Initialization And Device Operation / Device Operation / Supplying Buffers to The Device / Place Index', ); my $lstlisting=0; my $add=undef; while (<>) { my $line = $_; if (m/%DIFDELCMD\s+<\s+\\begin\{lstlisting\}/) { $lstlisting=1; $add=0; $line =~s/(\\begin\{lstlisting\})/{\\lstset{escapechar=\\\$} $1/; } if (m/\\DIFaddbegin\s*\\begin\{lstlisting\}/) { $lstlisting=1; $add=1; $line =~s/(\\begin\{lstlisting\})/{\\lstset{escapechar=\\\$} $1/; } if ($lstlisting) { $line =~ s/%DIFDELCMD\s+< //; if (not $line =~ m/\\(?:begin|end)\{lstlisting\}/) { $line =~ s/([#&{} ])/\\$1/g; if ($add) { $line =~ s/(.*)/\$\\DIFdel\{$1\}\$/; } else { $line =~ s/(.*)/\$\\DIFadd\{$1\}\$/; } } #print "%FIXED BY RULE 1\n"; } if ($line =~ m/%DIFDELCMD\s+<\s+\\label\{([^}]*)\}/) { my $label = $1; foreach my $l (@protected_labels) { if ($l eq $label) { $line =~ s/(%DIFDELCMD\s+<\s+)\\label\{([^}]*)\}/\\label\{$label\}$1/; } } } if ($line =~ m/%DIFDELCMD\s+<\s+\\((driver|device)normative)\{[^{]*\{[^{]*\{([^}\\]*)\}/) { my $label = "$1:$3"; foreach my $l (@protected_labels) { if ($l eq $label) { $line =~ s/(%DIFDELCMD\s+<\s+)\\((driver|device)normative)\{[^{]*\{[^{]*\{([^}\\]*)\}/\\label\{$label\}$1/; } } } # Too many \color directives (generated by DIFdel/addbegin/end) # confuse xetex, producing errors: # WARNING ** Color stack overflow. Just ignore. # and resulting in corrupted color in output. # As a work-around, detect cases where it's safe, and replace \color with # \textcolor. # As a result, number of \color directives goes does sufficiently # enough to avoid the overflow error. if ($line =~ m/\\drivernormative|\\devicenormative/) { #3rd argument in normative statements is a label. Don't put it in diffs. $line =~ s/(normative\{[^{]*\{[^{]*\{[^{\\]*)\\DIFdelbegin \\DIFdel\{([^}]*)\}\\DIFdelend/$1$2/; $line =~ s/(normative\{[^{]*\{[^{]*\{[^{\\]*)\\DIFaddbegin \\DIFadd\{([^}]*)\}\\DIFaddend/$1$2/; $line =~ s/(normative\{[^{]*\{[^{]*\{[^{\\]*)\\DIFdel\{([^}]*)\}/$1$2/; $line =~ s/(normative\{[^{]*\{[^{]*\{[^{\\]*)\\DIFadd\{([^}]*)\}/$1$2/; } elsif ($line =~ m/section|paragraph/) { $line =~ s/\\DIFdelbegin \\DIFdel\{([^}]*)\}\\DIFdelend/\\DIFdel{$1}/; $line =~ s/\\DIFaddbegin \\DIFadd\{([^}]*)\}\\DIFaddend/\\DIFadd{$1}/; } else { $line =~ s/\\DIFdelbegin \\DIFdel\{([^}]*)\}\\DIFdelend/\\DIFdeltext{$1}/; $line =~ s/\\DIFaddbegin \\DIFadd\{([^}]*)\}\\DIFaddend/\\DIFaddtext{$1}/; } print $line; if ($lstlisting) { if (m/\\end\{lstlisting\}/) { print "}\n"; $lstlisting=0; $add=undef; } } }