project('ndctl', 'c', version : '73', license : [ 'GPL-2.0', 'LGPL-2.1', 'CC0-1.0', 'MIT', ], default_options : [ 'c_std=gnu99', 'prefix=/usr', 'sysconfdir=/etc', 'localstatedir=/var', ], ) # rootprefixdir and rootlibdir setup copied from systemd: rootprefixdir = get_option('rootprefix') rootprefix_default = '/usr' if rootprefixdir == '' rootprefixdir = rootprefix_default endif rootbindir = join_paths(rootprefixdir, 'bin') # join_paths ignores the preceding arguments if an absolute component is # encountered, so this should canonicalize various paths when they are # absolute or relative. prefixdir = get_option('prefix') if not prefixdir.startswith('/') error('Prefix is not absolute: "@0@"'.format(prefixdir)) endif if prefixdir != rootprefixdir and rootprefixdir != '/' and not prefixdir.strip('/').startswith(rootprefixdir.strip('/') + '/') error('Prefix is not below root prefix (now rootprefix=@0@ prefix=@1@)'.format( rootprefixdir, prefixdir)) endif libdir = join_paths(prefixdir, get_option('libdir')) rootlibdir = get_option('rootlibdir') if rootlibdir == '' rootlibdir = join_paths(rootprefixdir, libdir.split('/')[-1]) endif datadir = prefixdir / get_option('datadir') includedir = prefixdir / get_option('includedir') pkgconfiglibdir = get_option('pkgconfiglibdir') != '' ? get_option('pkgconfiglibdir') : libdir / 'pkgconfig' datadir = prefixdir / get_option('datadir') includedir = prefixdir / get_option('includedir') sysconfdir = get_option('sysconfdir') pkgconfig_script = ''' sed -e s,@VERSION@,@0@,g -e s,@prefix@,@1@,g -e s,@exec_prefix@,@1@,g -e s,@libdir@,@2@,g -e s,@includedir@,@3@,g '''.format(meson.project_version(), prefixdir, libdir, includedir).split() cc_flags = [ '-Wchar-subscripts', '-Wformat-security', '-Wmissing-declarations', '-Wmissing-prototypes', '-Wnested-externs ', '-Wshadow', '-Wsign-compare', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-Wtype-limits', '-Wmaybe-uninitialized', '-Wdeclaration-after-statement', '-Wunused-result', ] if get_option('optimization') != '0' cc_flags += [ '-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' ] endif cc = meson.get_compiler('c') add_project_arguments(cc.get_supported_arguments(cc_flags), language : 'c') project_source_root = meson.current_source_dir() # Remove this after the conversion to meson has been completed # Cleanup the leftover config.h files to avoid conflicts with the meson # generated config.h git = find_program('git', required : false) env = find_program('env') if git.found() run_command('', env : 'GIT_DIR=@0@/.git'.format(project_source_root), ) endif version_tag = get_option('version-tag') if version_tag != '' vcs_data = configuration_data() vcs_data.set('VCS_TAG', version_tag) version_h = configure_file( configuration : vcs_data, input : '', output : 'version.h' ) else vcs_tagger = [ project_source_root + '/tools/', project_source_root, meson.project_version() ] version_h = vcs_tag( input : '', output : 'version.h', command: vcs_tagger ) endif if git.found() all_files = run_command( env, '-u', 'GIT_WORK_TREE', git, '--git-dir=@0@/.git'.format(project_source_root), 'ls-files', ':/*.[ch]', check : false) if all_files.returncode() == 0 all_files = files(all_files.stdout().split()) custom_target( 'tags', output : 'tags', command : [env, 'etags', '-o', '@0@/TAGS'.format(project_source_root)] + all_files) run_target( 'ctags', command : [env, 'ctags', '-o', '@0@/tags'.format(project_source_root)] + all_files) endif endif versiondep = declare_dependency( compile_args: ['-include', 'version.h'], sources: version_h ) kmod = dependency('libkmod') libudev = dependency('libudev') uuid = dependency('uuid') json = dependency('json-c') if get_option('docs').enabled() if get_option('asciidoctor').enabled() asciidoc = find_program('asciidoctor', required : true) else asciidoc = find_program('asciidoc', required : true) xmlto = find_program('xmlto', required : true) endif endif if get_option('systemd').enabled() systemd = dependency('systemd', required : true) systemdunitdir = systemd.get_pkgconfig_variable('systemdsystemunitdir') udev = dependency('udev', required : true) udevdir = udev.get_pkgconfig_variable('udevdir') udevrulesdir = udevdir / 'rules.d' endif cc = meson.get_compiler('c') # keyutils lacks pkgconfig keyutils = cc.find_library('keyutils', required : get_option('keyutils')) # iniparser lacks pkgconfig and its header files are either at '/usr/include' or '/usr/include/iniparser' # Use the path provided by user via meson configure -Diniparserdir= # if thats not provided then try searching for 'iniparser.h' in default system include path # and if that not found then as a last resort try looking at '/usr/include/iniparser' iniparser_headers = ['iniparser.h', 'dictionary.h'] message('Looking for iniparser include headers', iniparser_headers) iniparserdir = include_directories(includedir / get_option('iniparserdir'), is_system:true) iniparser = cc.find_library('iniparser', required : (get_option('iniparserdir') != '') , has_headers :iniparser_headers ,header_include_directories : iniparserdir) if not iniparser.found() iniparserdir = include_directories(includedir / 'iniparser', is_system:true) iniparser = cc.find_library('iniparser', required : true, has_headers : iniparser_headers, header_include_directories : iniparserdir) endif iniparser = declare_dependency(include_directories: iniparserdir, dependencies:iniparser) conf = configuration_data() check_headers = [ ['HAVE_DLFCN_H', 'dlfcn.h'], ['HAVE_INTTYPES_H', 'inttypes.h'], ['HAVE_KEYUTILS_H', 'keyutils.h'], ['HAVE_LINUX_VERSION_H', 'linux/version.h'], ['HAVE_MEMORY_H', 'memory.h'], ['HAVE_STDINT_H', 'stdint.h'], ['HAVE_STDLIB_H', 'stdlib.h'], ['HAVE_STRINGS_H', 'strings.h'], ['HAVE_STRING_H', 'string.h'], ['HAVE_SYS_STAT_H', 'sys/stat.h'], ['HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H', 'sys/types.h'], ['HAVE_UNISTD_H', 'unistd.h'], ] foreach h : check_headers if cc.has_header(h.get(1)) conf.set(h.get(0), 1) endif endforeach map_sync_symbols = [ [ 'signal.h', 'BUS_MCEERR_AR' ], [ 'linux/mman.h', 'MAP_SHARED_VALIDATE' ], [ 'linux/mman.h', 'MAP_SYNC' ], ] count = 0 foreach symbol : map_sync_symbols if cc.has_header_symbol(symbol[0], symbol[1]) conf.set('HAVE_DECL_@0@'.format(symbol[1].to_upper()), 1) count = count + 1 endif endforeach poison_enabled = false if get_option('poison').enabled() and count == 3 poison_enabled = true endif conf.set('ENABLE_POISON', poison_enabled) conf.set('ENABLE_KEYUTILS', get_option('keyutils').enabled()) conf.set('ENABLE_TEST', get_option('test').enabled()) conf.set('ENABLE_DESTRUCTIVE', get_option('destructive').enabled()) conf.set('ENABLE_LOGGING', get_option('logging').enabled()) conf.set('ENABLE_DEBUG', get_option('dbg').enabled()) typeof =''' int main() { struct { char a[16]; } x; typeof(x) y; return sizeof(x) == sizeof(y); } ''' ) if typeof.compiled() and typeof.returncode() == 1 conf.set('HAVE_TYPEOF', 1) conf.set('HAVE_STATEMENT_EXPR', 1) endif if target_machine.endian() == 'big' conf.set('HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN', 1) else conf.set('HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN', 1) endif conf.set('_GNU_SOURCE', true) conf.set_quoted('PREFIX', get_option('prefix')) conf.set_quoted('NDCTL_MAN_PATH', get_option('mandir')) foreach ident : ['secure_getenv', '__secure_getenv'] conf.set10('HAVE_' + ident.to_upper(), cc.has_function(ident)) endforeach conf.set10('HAVE_JSON_U64', cc.has_function('json_object_new_uint64', prefix : '''#include ''', dependencies : json, ) ) ndctlconf_dir = sysconfdir / 'ndctl.conf.d' ndctlconf = ndctlconf_dir / 'monitor.conf' conf.set_quoted('NDCTL_CONF_FILE', ndctlconf) conf.set_quoted('NDCTL_CONF_DIR', ndctlconf_dir) ndctlkeys_dir = sysconfdir / 'ndctl' / 'keys' conf.set_quoted('NDCTL_KEYS_DIR', ndctlkeys_dir) daxctlconf_dir = sysconfdir / 'daxctl.conf.d' daxctlconf = daxctlconf_dir / 'dax.conf' conf.set_quoted('DAXCTL_CONF_DIR', daxctlconf_dir) conf.set_quoted('DAXCTL_MODPROBE_DATA', datadir / 'daxctl/daxctl.conf') conf.set_quoted('DAXCTL_MODPROBE_INSTALL', sysconfdir / 'modprobe.d/daxctl.conf') config_h = configure_file( input : 'config.h.meson', output : 'config.h', configuration : conf ) add_project_arguments('-include', 'config.h', language : 'c') LIBNDCTL_CURRENT=26 LIBNDCTL_REVISION=0 LIBNDCTL_AGE=20 LIBDAXCTL_CURRENT=6 LIBDAXCTL_REVISION=1 LIBDAXCTL_AGE=5 LIBCXL_CURRENT=2 LIBCXL_REVISION=0 LIBCXL_AGE=1 root_inc = include_directories(['.', 'ndctl', ]) ccan = static_library('ccan', [ 'ccan/str/str.c', 'ccan/list/list.c' ], ) ccan_dep = declare_dependency(link_with : ccan) subdir('daxctl/lib') subdir('ndctl/lib') subdir('cxl/lib') subdir('util') subdir('ndctl') subdir('daxctl') subdir('cxl') if get_option('docs').enabled() subdir('Documentation/ndctl') subdir('Documentation/daxctl') subdir('Documentation/cxl') endif subdir('test') subdir('contrib') # only support spec file generation from git builds if version_tag == '' subdir('rhel') subdir('sles') endif