# Maintainer tools Useful tools for mdadm maintenance: - [checkpatch](https://docs.kernel.org/dev-tools/checkpatch.html) - [kup](https://korg.docs.kernel.org/kup.html) - [Auto-publishing](https://korg.docs.kernel.org/kup.html#auto-publishing-with-git-archive-signer) - [b4](https://b4.docs.kernel.org/en/latest/) # Making a release Assuming that maintainer is certain that release is safe, following steps must be done: - Make and push release commit: - Update versions strings, refer to previous releases for examples. - Update CHANGELOG.md. - Create GPG signed tag and push it to both remotes. Use same format as was used previously, prefixed by **mdadm-**, e.g. **mdadm-3.1.2**, **mdadm-4.1**. - Run kernel.org [Auto-publishing](https://korg.docs.kernel.org/kup.html#auto-publishing-with-git-archive-signer): Adopt script to our release tag model. When ready, push signed note to kernel.org repository. If it is done correctly, then *(sig)* is added to the package automatically generated by kernel.org automation. There is no need to upload archive manually. - Add release entry on Github. - Write "ANNOUNCE" mail to linux-raid@kernel.org to notify community.