Here are instructions for testing fuse using the passthrough_ll example filesystem provided in the libfuse source tree: git clone git:// cd libfuse meson build cd build ninja cat << EOF | sudo tee /sbin/mount.fuse.passthrough_ll #!/bin/bash ulimit -n 1048576 exec $(pwd)/example/passthrough_ll -ofsname="\$@" EOF sudo chmod +x /sbin/mount.fuse.passthrough_ll mkdir -p /mnt/test /mnt/scratch /home/test/test /home/test/scratch Use the following local.config file: export TEST_DEV=non1 export TEST_DIR=/mnt/test export SCRATCH_DEV=non2 export SCRATCH_MNT=/mnt/scratch export FSTYP=fuse export FUSE_SUBTYP=.passthrough_ll export MOUNT_OPTIONS="-osource=/home/test/scratch,allow_other,default_permissions" export TEST_FS_MOUNT_OPTS="-osource=/home/test/test,allow_other,default_permissions"