XZ data compression in Linux


XZ is a general purpose data compression format with high compression ratio. The XZ decompressor in Linux is called XZ Embedded. It supports the LZMA2 filter and optionally also Branch/Call/Jump (BCJ) filters for executable code. CRC32 is supported for integrity checking.

See the XZ Embedded home page for the latest version which includes a few optional extra features that aren’t required in the Linux kernel and information about using the code outside the Linux kernel.

For userspace, XZ Utils provide a zlib-like compression library and a gzip-like command line tool.

Notes on compression options

Since the XZ Embedded supports only streams with CRC32 or no integrity check, make sure that you don’t use some other integrity check type when encoding files that are supposed to be decoded by the kernel. With liblzma from XZ Utils, you need to use either LZMA_CHECK_CRC32 or LZMA_CHECK_NONE when encoding. With the xz command line tool, use --check=crc32 or --check=none to override the default --check=crc64.

Using CRC32 is strongly recommended unless there is some other layer which will verify the integrity of the uncompressed data anyway. Double checking the integrity would probably be waste of CPU cycles. Note that the headers will always have a CRC32 which will be validated by the decoder; you can only change the integrity check type (or disable it) for the actual uncompressed data.

In userspace, LZMA2 is typically used with dictionary sizes of several megabytes. The decoder needs to have the dictionary in RAM:

  • In multi-call mode the dictionary is allocated as part of the decoder state. The reasonable maximum dictionary size for in-kernel use will depend on the target hardware: a few megabytes is fine for desktop systems while 64 KiB to 1 MiB might be more appropriate on some embedded systems.

  • In single-call mode the output buffer is used as the dictionary buffer. That is, the size of the dictionary doesn’t affect the decompressor memory usage at all. Only the base data structures are allocated which take a little less than 30 KiB of memory. For the best compression, the dictionary should be at least as big as the uncompressed data. A notable example of single-call mode is decompressing the kernel itself (except on PowerPC).

The compression presets in XZ Utils may not be optimal when creating files for the kernel, so don’t hesitate to use custom settings to, for example, set the dictionary size. Also, xz may produce a smaller file in single-threaded mode so setting that explicitly is recommended. Example:

xz --threads=1 --check=crc32 --lzma2=dict=512KiB inputfile

xz_dec API

This is available with #include <linux/xz.h>.

enum xz_mode

Operation mode



Single-call mode. This uses less RAM than multi-call modes, because the LZMA2 dictionary doesn’t need to be allocated as part of the decoder state. All required data structures are allocated at initialization, so xz_dec_run() cannot return XZ_MEM_ERROR.


Multi-call mode with preallocated LZMA2 dictionary buffer. All data structures are allocated at initialization, so xz_dec_run() cannot return XZ_MEM_ERROR.


Multi-call mode. The LZMA2 dictionary is allocated once the required size has been parsed from the stream headers. If the allocation fails, xz_dec_run() will return XZ_MEM_ERROR.


It is possible to enable support only for a subset of the above modes at compile time by defining XZ_DEC_SINGLE, XZ_DEC_PREALLOC, or XZ_DEC_DYNALLOC. The xz_dec kernel module is always compiled with support for all operation modes, but the preboot code may be built with fewer features to minimize code size.

enum xz_ret

Return codes



Everything is OK so far. More input or more output space is required to continue. This return code is possible only in multi-call mode (XZ_PREALLOC or XZ_DYNALLOC).


Operation finished successfully.


Integrity check type is not supported. Decoding is still possible in multi-call mode by simply calling xz_dec_run() again. Note that this return value is used only if XZ_DEC_ANY_CHECK was defined at build time, which is not used in the kernel. Unsupported check types return XZ_OPTIONS_ERROR if XZ_DEC_ANY_CHECK was not defined at build time.


Allocating memory failed. This return code is possible only if the decoder was initialized with XZ_DYNALLOC. The amount of memory that was tried to be allocated was no more than the dict_max argument given to xz_dec_init().


A bigger LZMA2 dictionary would be needed than allowed by the dict_max argument given to xz_dec_init(). This return value is possible only in multi-call mode (XZ_PREALLOC or XZ_DYNALLOC); the single-call mode (XZ_SINGLE) ignores the dict_max argument.


File format was not recognized (wrong magic bytes).


This implementation doesn’t support the requested compression options. In the decoder this means that the header CRC32 matches, but the header itself specifies something that we don’t support.


Compressed data is corrupt.


Cannot make any progress. Details are slightly different between multi-call and single-call mode; more information below.


In multi-call mode, XZ_BUF_ERROR is returned when two consecutive calls to XZ code cannot consume any input and cannot produce any new output. This happens when there is no new input available, or the output buffer is full while at least one output byte is still pending. Assuming your code is not buggy, you can get this error only when decoding a compressed stream that is truncated or otherwise corrupt.

In single-call mode, XZ_BUF_ERROR is returned only when the output buffer is too small or the compressed input is corrupt in a way that makes the decoder produce more output than the caller expected. When it is (relatively) clear that the compressed input is truncated, XZ_DATA_ERROR is used instead of XZ_BUF_ERROR.

struct xz_buf

Passing input and output buffers to XZ code


struct xz_buf {
    const uint8_t *in;
    size_t in_pos;
    size_t in_size;
    uint8_t *out;
    size_t out_pos;
    size_t out_size;



Beginning of the input buffer. This may be NULL if and only if in_pos is equal to in_size.


Current position in the input buffer. This must not exceed in_size.


Size of the input buffer


Beginning of the output buffer. This may be NULL if and only if out_pos is equal to out_size.


Current position in the output buffer. This must not exceed out_size.


Size of the output buffer


Only the contents of the output buffer from out[out_pos] onward, and the variables in_pos and out_pos are modified by the XZ code.

struct xz_dec *xz_dec_init(enum xz_mode mode, uint32_t dict_max)

Allocate and initialize a XZ decoder state


enum xz_mode mode

Operation mode

uint32_t dict_max

Maximum size of the LZMA2 dictionary (history buffer) for multi-call decoding. This is ignored in single-call mode (mode == XZ_SINGLE). LZMA2 dictionary is always 2^n bytes or 2^n + 2^(n-1) bytes (the latter sizes are less common in practice), so other values for dict_max don’t make sense. In the kernel, dictionary sizes of 64 KiB, 128 KiB, 256 KiB, 512 KiB, and 1 MiB are probably the only reasonable values, except for kernel and initramfs images where a bigger dictionary can be fine and useful.


Single-call mode (XZ_SINGLE): xz_dec_run() decodes the whole stream at once. The caller must provide enough output space or the decoding will fail. The output space is used as the dictionary buffer, which is why there is no need to allocate the dictionary as part of the decoder’s internal state.

Because the output buffer is used as the workspace, streams encoded using a big dictionary are not a problem in single-call mode. It is enough that the output buffer is big enough to hold the actual uncompressed data; it can be smaller than the dictionary size stored in the stream headers.

Multi-call mode with preallocated dictionary (XZ_PREALLOC): dict_max bytes of memory is preallocated for the LZMA2 dictionary. This way there is no risk that xz_dec_run() could run out of memory, since xz_dec_run() will never allocate any memory. Instead, if the preallocated dictionary is too small for decoding the given input stream, xz_dec_run() will return XZ_MEMLIMIT_ERROR. Thus, it is important to know what kind of data will be decoded to avoid allocating excessive amount of memory for the dictionary.

Multi-call mode with dynamically allocated dictionary (XZ_DYNALLOC): dict_max specifies the maximum allowed dictionary size that xz_dec_run() may allocate once it has parsed the dictionary size from the stream headers. This way excessive allocations can be avoided while still limiting the maximum memory usage to a sane value to prevent running the system out of memory when decompressing streams from untrusted sources.

On success, xz_dec_init() returns a pointer to struct xz_dec, which is ready to be used with xz_dec_run(). If memory allocation fails, xz_dec_init() returns NULL.

enum xz_ret xz_dec_run(struct xz_dec *s, struct xz_buf *b)

Run the XZ decoder


struct xz_dec *s

Decoder state allocated using xz_dec_init()

struct xz_buf *b

Input and output buffers


The possible return values depend on build options and operation mode. See enum xz_ret for details.

Note that if an error occurs in single-call mode (return value is not XZ_STREAM_END), b->in_pos and b->out_pos are not modified and the contents of the output buffer from b->out[b->out_pos] onward are undefined. This is true even after XZ_BUF_ERROR, because with some filter chains, there may be a second pass over the output buffer, and this pass cannot be properly done if the output buffer is truncated. Thus, you cannot give the single-call decoder a too small buffer and then expect to get that amount valid data from the beginning of the stream. You must use the multi-call decoder if you don’t want to uncompress the whole stream.

void xz_dec_reset(struct xz_dec *s)

Reset an already allocated decoder state


struct xz_dec *s

Decoder state allocated using xz_dec_init()


This function can be used to reset the multi-call decoder state without freeing and reallocating memory with xz_dec_end() and xz_dec_init().

In single-call mode, xz_dec_reset() is always called in the beginning of xz_dec_run(). Thus, explicit call to xz_dec_reset() is useful only in multi-call mode.

void xz_dec_end(struct xz_dec *s)

Free the memory allocated for the decoder state


struct xz_dec *s

Decoder state allocated using xz_dec_init(). If s is NULL, this function does nothing.

MicroLZMA decompressor

This MicroLZMA header format was created for use in EROFS but may be used by others too. In most cases one needs the XZ APIs above instead.

The compressed format supported by this decoder is a raw LZMA stream whose first byte (always 0x00) has been replaced with bitwise-negation of the LZMA properties (lc/lp/pb) byte. For example, if lc/lp/pb is 3/0/2, the first byte is 0xA2. This way the first byte can never be 0x00. Just like with LZMA2, lc + lp <= 4 must be true. The LZMA end-of-stream marker must not be used. The unused values are reserved for future use.

struct xz_dec_microlzma *xz_dec_microlzma_alloc(enum xz_mode mode, uint32_t dict_size)

Allocate memory for the MicroLZMA decoder


enum xz_mode mode


uint32_t dict_size

LZMA dictionary size. This must be at least 4 KiB and at most 3 GiB.


In contrast to xz_dec_init(), this function only allocates the memory and remembers the dictionary size. xz_dec_microlzma_reset() must be used before calling xz_dec_microlzma_run().

The amount of allocated memory is a little less than 30 KiB with XZ_SINGLE. With XZ_PREALLOC also a dictionary buffer of dict_size bytes is allocated.

On success, xz_dec_microlzma_alloc() returns a pointer to struct xz_dec_microlzma. If memory allocation fails or dict_size is invalid, NULL is returned.

void xz_dec_microlzma_reset(struct xz_dec_microlzma *s, uint32_t comp_size, uint32_t uncomp_size, int uncomp_size_is_exact)

Reset the MicroLZMA decoder state


struct xz_dec_microlzma *s

Decoder state allocated using xz_dec_microlzma_alloc()

uint32_t comp_size

Compressed size of the input stream

uint32_t uncomp_size

Uncompressed size of the input stream. A value smaller than the real uncompressed size of the input stream can be specified if uncomp_size_is_exact is set to false. uncomp_size can never be set to a value larger than the expected real uncompressed size because it would eventually result in XZ_DATA_ERROR.

int uncomp_size_is_exact

This is an int instead of bool to avoid requiring stdbool.h. This should normally be set to true. When this is set to false, error detection is weaker.

enum xz_ret xz_dec_microlzma_run(struct xz_dec_microlzma *s, struct xz_buf *b)

Run the MicroLZMA decoder


struct xz_dec_microlzma *s

Decoder state initialized using xz_dec_microlzma_reset()

struct xz_buf *b

Input and output buffers


This works similarly to xz_dec_run() with a few important differences. Only the differences are documented here.

The only possible return values are XZ_OK, XZ_STREAM_END, and XZ_DATA_ERROR. This function cannot return XZ_BUF_ERROR: if no progress is possible due to lack of input data or output space, this function will keep returning XZ_OK. Thus, the calling code must be written so that it will eventually provide input and output space matching (or exceeding) comp_size and uncomp_size arguments given to xz_dec_microlzma_reset(). If the caller cannot do this (for example, if the input file is truncated or otherwise corrupt), the caller must detect this error by itself to avoid an infinite loop.

If the compressed data seems to be corrupt, XZ_DATA_ERROR is returned. This can happen also when incorrect dictionary, uncompressed, or compressed sizes have been specified.

With XZ_PREALLOC only: As an extra feature, b->out may be NULL to skip over uncompressed data. This way the caller doesn’t need to provide a temporary output buffer for the bytes that will be ignored.

With XZ_SINGLE only: In contrast to xz_dec_run(), the return value XZ_OK is also possible and thus XZ_SINGLE is actually a limited multi-call mode. After XZ_OK the bytes decoded so far may be read from the output buffer. It is possible to continue decoding but the variables b->out and b->out_pos MUST NOT be changed by the caller. Increasing the value of b->out_size is allowed to make more output space available; one doesn’t need to provide space for the whole uncompressed data on the first call. The input buffer may be changed normally like with XZ_PREALLOC. This way input data can be provided from non-contiguous memory.

void xz_dec_microlzma_end(struct xz_dec_microlzma *s)

Free the memory allocated for the decoder state


struct xz_dec_microlzma *s

Decoder state allocated using xz_dec_microlzma_alloc(). If s is NULL, this function does nothing.