[db] dburl = 'sqlite:////home/user/work/temp/peebz.sqlite3' [notify] neverto = ['*@kernel-bugs.*', 'bugbot@kernel.org'] never_if_creator = ['bugbot@kernel.org'] never_if_text_matches = ['*has been marked as a duplicate of*'] fromaddr = 'Kernel.org Bugbot ' smtpserver = 'localhost' smtpport = 25 [bugzilla] apikey = '' name = 'Kernel.org Bugzilla' url = 'https://bugzilla.kernel.org' resturl = 'https://bugzilla.kernel.org/rest' bugmask = 'https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id={bug_id}' commentmask = 'https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id={bug_id}#c{comment_count}' attachmask = 'https://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id={attachment_id}' linkmask = 'https://msgid.link/{msgid}' subsystem_cf = 'cf_subsystem' maintainers_url = 'https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/plain/MAINTAINERS' [mimetypes] deny = [ 'text/html', 'application/*-signature' ] [logging] logfile = 'peebz.log' loglevel = 'info' [components.'Linux'.'Kernel'] new_bug_send_notification = true pi_query = '(nq:"bugbot on" OR nq:"bugbot assign")' pi_must_bz_groups = ['editbugs'] pi_url = 'https://lore.kernel.org/all/' # These are always multiline, case-insensitive pi_trigger_regexes = ['^bugbot on\s*$', '^bugbot assign to \S+$'] pi_assign_regexes = ['^bugbot assign to (\S+)'] bz_new_bugs_quicksearch = 'OPEN flag:bugbot+' bz_privacy_mode = true alwayscc = ['bugs@lists.linux.dev'] # watched git repositories git_repos = [['/path/to/repo', 'master', 'https://web.url/foo/id=%.12s']] git_log_queries = ['bugzilla.kernel.org'] git_log_mentions_regexes = ['https://bugzilla.kernel.org/.*id=(\d+)'] git_log_closes_regexes = ['^Closes:\s+https://bugzilla.kernel.org/.*id=(\d+)'] git_closes_with = ['RESOLVED', 'CODE_FIX'] [templates] parse_bug_intro = '${author} writes:' parse_bug_intro_with_count = '${author} replies to comment #${comment_count}:' parse_bug_outro = '(via ${msgid_link})' new_bug_notify = ''' Hello: This conversation is now tracked by ${bzname}: ${bug_url} There is no need to do anything else, just keep talking. ''' new_comment_notify = ''' ${comment_author} writes via ${bzname}: ${comment_text} View: ${comment_url} You can reply to this message to join the discussion. ''' new_attachment_notify = ''' ${comment_author} added an attachment on ${bzname}: ${comment_text} File: ${file_name} (${content_type}) Size: ${human_size} Link: ${attachment_url} --- ${summary} You can reply to this message to join the discussion. ''' new_commit_notify = ''' ${commit_author} writes in commit ${commit_id}: ${commit_text} (via ${commit_url}) ''' botsig = ''' -- Deet-doot-dot, I am a bot. ${myname} (${appname} ${appver}) '''