/*====================================================================== PCMCIA Card Information Structure parser The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The initial developer of the original code is David A. Hinds . Portions created by David A. Hinds are Copyright (C) 1999 David A. Hinds. All Rights Reserved. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the GPL. ======================================================================*/ #include #include #define le16_to_cpu __le16_to_cpu #define le32_to_cpu __le32_to_cpu #include #include #include #include static const u_char mantissa[] = { 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, 90 }; static const u_int exponent[] = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000 }; /* Convert an extended speed byte to a time in nanoseconds */ #define SPEED_CVT(v) \ (mantissa[(((v)>>3)&15)-1] * exponent[(v)&7] / 10) /* Convert a power byte to a current in 0.1 microamps */ #define POWER_CVT(v) \ (mantissa[((v)>>3)&15] * exponent[(v)&7] / 10) #define POWER_SCALE(v) (exponent[(v)&7]) /*====================================================================== Parsing routines for individual tuples ======================================================================*/ static int parse_device(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_device_t *device) { int i; u_char scale; u_char *p, *q; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; device->ndev = 0; for (i = 0; i < CISTPL_MAX_DEVICES; i++) { if (*p == 0xff) break; device->dev[i].type = (*p >> 4); device->dev[i].wp = (*p & 0x08) ? 1 : 0; switch (*p & 0x07) { case 0: device->dev[i].speed = 0; break; case 1: device->dev[i].speed = 250; break; case 2: device->dev[i].speed = 200; break; case 3: device->dev[i].speed = 150; break; case 4: device->dev[i].speed = 100; break; case 7: if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; device->dev[i].speed = SPEED_CVT(*p); while (*p & 0x80) if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; break; default: return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; if (*p == 0xff) break; scale = *p & 7; if (scale == 7) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; device->dev[i].size = ((*p >> 3) + 1) * (512 << (scale*2)); device->ndev++; if (++p == q) break; } return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_checksum(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_checksum_t *csum) { u_char *p; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 5) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; csum->addr = tuple->CISOffset+(short)le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)p)-2; csum->len = le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)(p + 2)); csum->sum = *(p+4); return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_longlink(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_longlink_t *link) { if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 4) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; link->addr = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)tuple->TupleData); return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_longlink_mfc(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_longlink_mfc_t *link) { u_char *p; int i; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; link->nfn = *p; p++; if (tuple->TupleDataLen <= link->nfn*5) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; for (i = 0; i < link->nfn; i++) { link->fn[i].space = *p; p++; link->fn[i].addr = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)p); p += 4; } return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_strings(u_char *p, u_char *q, int max, char *s, u_char *ofs, u_char *found) { int i, j, ns; if (p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; ns = 0; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (*p == 0xff) break; ofs[i] = j; ns++; for (;;) { s[j++] = (*p == 0xff) ? '\0' : *p; if ((*p == '\0') || (*p == 0xff)) break; if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } if ((*p == 0xff) || (++p == q)) break; } if (found) { *found = ns; return CS_SUCCESS; } else { return (ns == max) ? CS_SUCCESS : CS_BAD_TUPLE; } } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_vers_1(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_vers_1_t *vers_1) { u_char *p, *q; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; vers_1->major = *p; p++; vers_1->minor = *p; p++; if (p >= q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; return parse_strings(p, q, CISTPL_VERS_1_MAX_PROD_STRINGS, vers_1->str, vers_1->ofs, &vers_1->ns); } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_altstr(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_altstr_t *altstr) { u_char *p, *q; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; return parse_strings(p, q, CISTPL_MAX_ALTSTR_STRINGS, altstr->str, altstr->ofs, &altstr->ns); } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_jedec(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_jedec_t *jedec) { u_char *p, *q; int nid; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; for (nid = 0; nid < CISTPL_MAX_DEVICES; nid++) { if (p > q-2) break; jedec->id[nid].mfr = p[0]; jedec->id[nid].info = p[1]; p += 2; } jedec->nid = nid; return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_manfid(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_manfid_t *m) { u_short *p; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 4) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; p = (u_short *)tuple->TupleData; m->manf = le16_to_cpu(p[0]); m->card = le16_to_cpu(p[1]); return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_funcid(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_funcid_t *f) { u_char *p; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 2) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; f->func = p[0]; f->sysinit = p[1]; return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_funce(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_funce_t *f) { u_char *p; int i; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 1) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; f->type = p[0]; for (i = 1; i < tuple->TupleDataLen; i++) f->data[i-1] = p[i]; return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_config(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_config_t *config) { int rasz, rmsz, i; u_char *p; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; rasz = *p & 0x03; rmsz = (*p & 0x3c) >> 2; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < rasz+rmsz+4) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; config->last_idx = *(++p); p++; config->base = 0; for (i = 0; i <= rasz; i++) config->base += p[i] << (8*i); p += rasz+1; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) config->rmask[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i <= rmsz; i++) config->rmask[i>>2] += p[i] << (8*(i%4)); config->subtuples = tuple->TupleDataLen - (rasz+rmsz+4); return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================== The following routines are all used to parse the nightmarish config table entries. ======================================================================*/ static u_char *parse_power(u_char *p, u_char *q, cistpl_power_t *pwr) { int i; u_int scale; if (p == q) return NULL; pwr->present = *p; pwr->flags = 0; p++; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) if (pwr->present & (1<param[i] = POWER_CVT(*p); scale = POWER_SCALE(*p); while (*p & 0x80) { if (++p == q) return NULL; if ((*p & 0x7f) < 100) pwr->param[i] += (*p & 0x7f) * scale / 100; else if (*p == 0x7d) pwr->flags |= CISTPL_POWER_HIGHZ_OK; else if (*p == 0x7e) pwr->param[i] = 0; else if (*p == 0x7f) pwr->flags |= CISTPL_POWER_HIGHZ_REQ; else return NULL; } p++; } return p; } /*====================================================================*/ static u_char *parse_timing(u_char *p, u_char *q, cistpl_timing_t *timing) { u_char scale; if (p == q) return NULL; scale = *p; if ((scale & 3) != 3) { if (++p == q) return NULL; timing->wait = SPEED_CVT(*p); timing->waitscale = exponent[scale & 3]; } else timing->wait = 0; scale >>= 2; if ((scale & 7) != 7) { if (++p == q) return NULL; timing->ready = SPEED_CVT(*p); timing->rdyscale = exponent[scale & 7]; } else timing->ready = 0; scale >>= 3; if (scale != 7) { if (++p == q) return NULL; timing->reserved = SPEED_CVT(*p); timing->rsvscale = exponent[scale]; } else timing->reserved = 0; p++; return p; } /*====================================================================*/ static u_char *parse_io(u_char *p, u_char *q, cistpl_io_t *io) { int i, j, bsz, lsz; if (p == q) return NULL; io->flags = *p; if (!(*p & 0x80)) { io->nwin = 1; io->win[0].base = 0; io->win[0].len = (1 << (io->flags & CISTPL_IO_LINES_MASK)); return p+1; } if (++p == q) return NULL; io->nwin = (*p & 0x0f) + 1; bsz = (*p & 0x30) >> 4; if (bsz == 3) bsz++; lsz = (*p & 0xc0) >> 6; if (lsz == 3) lsz++; p++; for (i = 0; i < io->nwin; i++) { io->win[i].base = 0; io->win[i].len = 1; for (j = 0; j < bsz; j++, p++) { if (p == q) return NULL; io->win[i].base += *p << (j*8); } for (j = 0; j < lsz; j++, p++) { if (p == q) return NULL; io->win[i].len += *p << (j*8); } } return p; } /*====================================================================*/ static u_char *parse_mem(u_char *p, u_char *q, cistpl_mem_t *mem) { int i, j, asz, lsz, has_ha; u_int len, ca, ha; if (p == q) return NULL; mem->nwin = (*p & 0x07) + 1; lsz = (*p & 0x18) >> 3; asz = (*p & 0x60) >> 5; has_ha = (*p & 0x80); if (++p == q) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < mem->nwin; i++) { len = ca = ha = 0; for (j = 0; j < lsz; j++, p++) { if (p == q) return NULL; len += *p << (j*8); } for (j = 0; j < asz; j++, p++) { if (p == q) return NULL; ca += *p << (j*8); } if (has_ha) for (j = 0; j < asz; j++, p++) { if (p == q) return NULL; ha += *p << (j*8); } mem->win[i].len = len << 8; mem->win[i].card_addr = ca << 8; mem->win[i].host_addr = ha << 8; } return p; } /*====================================================================*/ static u_char *parse_irq(u_char *p, u_char *q, cistpl_irq_t *irq) { if (p == q) return NULL; irq->IRQInfo1 = *p; p++; if (irq->IRQInfo1 & IRQ_INFO2_VALID) { if (p+2 > q) return NULL; irq->IRQInfo2 = (p[1]<<8) + p[0]; p += 2; } return p; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_cftable_entry(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_cftable_entry_t *entry) { u_char *p, *q, features; p = tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; entry->index = *p & 0x3f; entry->flags = 0; if (*p & 0x40) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_DEFAULT; if (*p & 0x80) { if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; if (*p & 0x10) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_BVDS; if (*p & 0x20) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_WP; if (*p & 0x40) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_RDYBSY; if (*p & 0x80) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_MWAIT; entry->interface = *p & 0x0f; } else entry->interface = 0; /* Process optional features */ if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; features = *p; p++; /* Power options */ if ((features & 3) > 0) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vcc); if (p == NULL) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } else entry->vcc.present = 0; if ((features & 3) > 1) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vpp1); if (p == NULL) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } else entry->vpp1.present = 0; if ((features & 3) > 2) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vpp2); if (p == NULL) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } else entry->vpp2.present = 0; /* Timing options */ if (features & 0x04) { p = parse_timing(p, q, &entry->timing); if (p == NULL) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } else { entry->timing.wait = 0; entry->timing.ready = 0; entry->timing.reserved = 0; } /* I/O window options */ if (features & 0x08) { p = parse_io(p, q, &entry->io); if (p == NULL) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } else entry->io.nwin = 0; /* Interrupt options */ if (features & 0x10) { p = parse_irq(p, q, &entry->irq); if (p == NULL) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } else entry->irq.IRQInfo1 = 0; switch (features & 0x60) { case 0x00: entry->mem.nwin = 0; break; case 0x20: entry->mem.nwin = 1; entry->mem.win[0].len = le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)p) << 8; entry->mem.win[0].card_addr = 0; entry->mem.win[0].host_addr = 0; p += 2; if (p > q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; break; case 0x40: entry->mem.nwin = 1; entry->mem.win[0].len = le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)p) << 8; entry->mem.win[0].card_addr = le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)(p+2)) << 8; entry->mem.win[0].host_addr = 0; p += 4; if (p > q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; break; case 0x60: p = parse_mem(p, q, &entry->mem); if (p == NULL) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; break; } /* Misc features */ if (features & 0x80) { if (p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; entry->flags |= (*p << 8); while (*p & 0x80) if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; p++; } entry->subtuples = q-p; return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_bar(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_bar_t *bar) { u_char *p; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 6) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; bar->attr = *p; p += 2; bar->size = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)p); return CS_SUCCESS; } static int parse_config_cb(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_config_t *config) { u_char *p; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; if ((*p != 3) || (tuple->TupleDataLen < 6)) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; config->last_idx = *(++p); p++; config->base = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)p); config->subtuples = tuple->TupleDataLen - 6; return CS_SUCCESS; } static int parse_cftable_entry_cb(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_cftable_entry_cb_t *entry) { u_char *p, *q, features; p = tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; entry->index = *p & 0x3f; entry->flags = 0; if (*p & 0x40) entry->flags |= CISTPL_CFTABLE_DEFAULT; /* Process optional features */ if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; features = *p; p++; /* Power options */ if ((features & 3) > 0) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vcc); if (p == NULL) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } else entry->vcc.present = 0; if ((features & 3) > 1) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vpp1); if (p == NULL) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } else entry->vpp1.present = 0; if ((features & 3) > 2) { p = parse_power(p, q, &entry->vpp2); if (p == NULL) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } else entry->vpp2.present = 0; /* I/O window options */ if (features & 0x08) { if (p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; entry->io = *p; p++; } else entry->io = 0; /* Interrupt options */ if (features & 0x10) { p = parse_irq(p, q, &entry->irq); if (p == NULL) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } else entry->irq.IRQInfo1 = 0; if (features & 0x20) { if (p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; entry->mem = *p; p++; } else entry->mem = 0; /* Misc features */ if (features & 0x80) { if (p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; entry->flags |= (*p << 8); if (*p & 0x80) { if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; entry->flags |= (*p << 16); } while (*p & 0x80) if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; p++; } entry->subtuples = q-p; return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_device_geo(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_device_geo_t *geo) { u_char *p, *q; int n; p = (u_char *)tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; for (n = 0; n < CISTPL_MAX_DEVICES; n++) { if (p > q-6) break; geo->geo[n].buswidth = p[0]; geo->geo[n].erase_block = 1 << (p[1]-1); geo->geo[n].read_block = 1 << (p[2]-1); geo->geo[n].write_block = 1 << (p[3]-1); geo->geo[n].partition = 1 << (p[4]-1); geo->geo[n].interleave = 1 << (p[5]-1); p += 6; } geo->ngeo = n; return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_vers_2(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_vers_2_t *v2) { u_char *p, *q; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 10) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; p = tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; v2->vers = p[0]; v2->comply = p[1]; v2->dindex = le16_to_cpu(*(u_short *)(p+2)); v2->vspec8 = p[6]; v2->vspec9 = p[7]; v2->nhdr = p[8]; p += 9; return parse_strings(p, q, 2, v2->str, &v2->vendor, NULL); } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_org(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_org_t *org) { u_char *p, *q; int i; p = tuple->TupleData; q = p + tuple->TupleDataLen; if (p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; org->data_org = *p; if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { org->desc[i] = *p; if (*p == '\0') break; if (++p == q) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; } return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ static int parse_format(tuple_t *tuple, cistpl_format_t *fmt) { u_char *p; if (tuple->TupleDataLen < 10) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; p = tuple->TupleData; fmt->type = p[0]; fmt->edc = p[1]; fmt->offset = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)(p+2)); fmt->length = le32_to_cpu(*(u_int *)(p+6)); return CS_SUCCESS; } /*====================================================================*/ int parse_tuple(tuple_t *tuple, cisparse_t *parse) { int ret = CS_SUCCESS; if (tuple->TupleDataLen > tuple->TupleDataMax) return CS_BAD_TUPLE; switch (tuple->TupleCode) { case CISTPL_DEVICE: case CISTPL_DEVICE_A: ret = parse_device(tuple, &parse->device); break; case CISTPL_BAR: ret = parse_bar(tuple, &parse->bar); break; case CISTPL_CONFIG_CB: ret = parse_config_cb(tuple, &parse->config); break; case CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY_CB: ret = parse_cftable_entry_cb(tuple, &parse->cftable_entry_cb); break; case CISTPL_CHECKSUM: ret = parse_checksum(tuple, &parse->checksum); break; case CISTPL_LONGLINK_A: case CISTPL_LONGLINK_C: ret = parse_longlink(tuple, &parse->longlink); break; case CISTPL_LONGLINK_MFC: ret = parse_longlink_mfc(tuple, &parse->longlink_mfc); break; case CISTPL_VERS_1: ret = parse_vers_1(tuple, &parse->version_1); break; case CISTPL_ALTSTR: ret = parse_altstr(tuple, &parse->altstr); break; case CISTPL_JEDEC_A: case CISTPL_JEDEC_C: ret = parse_jedec(tuple, &parse->jedec); break; case CISTPL_MANFID: ret = parse_manfid(tuple, &parse->manfid); break; case CISTPL_FUNCID: ret = parse_funcid(tuple, &parse->funcid); break; case CISTPL_FUNCE: ret = parse_funce(tuple, &parse->funce); break; case CISTPL_CONFIG: ret = parse_config(tuple, &parse->config); break; case CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY: ret = parse_cftable_entry(tuple, &parse->cftable_entry); break; case CISTPL_DEVICE_GEO: case CISTPL_DEVICE_GEO_A: ret = parse_device_geo(tuple, &parse->device_geo); break; case CISTPL_VERS_2: ret = parse_vers_2(tuple, &parse->vers_2); break; case CISTPL_ORG: ret = parse_org(tuple, &parse->org); break; case CISTPL_FORMAT: case CISTPL_FORMAT_A: ret = parse_format(tuple, &parse->format); break; case CISTPL_NO_LINK: case CISTPL_LINKTARGET: ret = CS_SUCCESS; break; default: ret = CS_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; break; } return ret; }