#!/usr/bin/env -S just --justfile # show the list of options _help: @just --list # Search for a specific git id in the list of published CVE ids @cve_search GIT_ID: -scripts/cve_search {{GIT_ID}} # Create a CVE for a specific Linux kernel git commit id @cve_create GIT_ID *CVE_ID: -scripts/cve_create {{GIT_ID}} {{CVE_ID}} # Create a bunch of CVEs that are contained, one per line, in FILENAME @cve_batch_create FILENAME: -scripts/cve_create_batch {{FILENAME}} # Update all, or just one, CVE entries with the latest version information @cve_update *GIT_ID: scripts/cve_update {{GIT_ID}} # Check the cvelistV5 database for any existing CVE entries @cvelistV5_check FILENAME: scripts/cvelistV5_check {{FILENAME}} # Publish all modified .json files with the CVE server @cve_publish_json: scripts/cve_publish_json # Publish all modified .mbox messages with git-send-email @cve_publish_mbox: scripts/cve_publish_mbox # Reject a published/reserved CVE @cve_reject CVE_ID: scripts/cve_reject {{CVE_ID}} # Query the CVE server for the list of all ids assigned to us @list_ids: cve -o Linux list # List a summary of the ids at this point in time summary: scripts/summary