2c0d3f4cd25f ("net: hns3: create new set of common rss init APIs for PF and VF reuse") 6de060042867 ("net: hns3: create new set of common rss set APIs for PF and VF module") 1bfd6682e9b5 ("net: hns3: create new set of common rss get APIs for PF and VF rss module") 9667b814387c ("net: hns3: create new rss common structure hclge_comm_rss_cfg") aab8d1c6a5e3 ("net: hns3: delete the hclge_cmd.c and hclgevf_cmd.c") cb413bfa6e8b ("net: hns3: refactor VF cmdq init and uninit APIs with new common APIs") 8e2288cad6cb ("net: hns3: refactor PF cmdq init and uninit APIs with new common APIs") 745f0a19ee9a ("net: hns3: refactor VF cmdq resource APIs with new common APIs") d3c69a8812c2 ("net: hns3: refactor PF cmdq resource APIs with new common APIs") da77aef9cc58 ("net: hns3: create common cmdq resource allocate/free/query APIs") 076bb537577f ("net: hns3: refactor hclgevf_cmd_send with new hclge_comm_cmd_send API") eaa5607db377 ("net: hns3: refactor hclge_cmd_send with new hclge_comm_cmd_send API") 8d307f8e8cf1 ("net: hns3: create new set of unified hclge_comm_cmd_send APIs") 6befad603d79 ("net: hns3: use struct hclge_desc to replace hclgevf_desc in VF cmdq module") 0a7b6d221868 ("net: hns3: create new cmdq hardware description structure hclge_comm_hw") 5f20be4e90e6 ("net: hns3: refactor hns3 makefile to support hns3_common module")