01da3efafe06 ("staging: rtl8192e: Use standard api to calculate channel to frequency") 8942c3f19b3f ("staging: rtl8192e: add missing spaces around operators") 548534d95b1d ("staging: rtl8192e: Remove unchanged variable frame_sync_monitor") 5cd73e7c60a9 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename DM_RxPathSelTable") 44414e625c35 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename diff_TH and disabledRF") a89fbd4b9c89 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename Enable, cck_Rx_path and SS_TH_low") 1af6ddaba542 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename RxPathSelectio.., RateAdaptive.. and RateAdap..") 410a38453223 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename OFDM_Table.., CCK_Table_.. and RxPathSelecti..") 04f11af2f056 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename BaseBand_Config_PHY_REG and BaseBand_Config_AGC_TAB") 59f6f02ead58 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename TxBBGainTab.., CCKTxBBGainTab.. and RT_CID_81..") 1032f497c5a1 ("staging: rtl8192e: Remove unused variable framesyncC34") f48cc55bf37d ("staging: rtl8192e: Remove unused variable SifsTime") 779c9e938d82 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename PHYRegDef, CurrentChannelBW and CustomerID") 1cd8fbfafdfa ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename EEPROMTxPower.., AutoloadF.. and SilentReset..") 69c382a5e06d ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename EEPROMTxPower.., AutoloadF.. and SilentReset..") 0f9d51975f2b ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename EEPROMTherma.., EEPROMAntPw.. and EEPROMTxPow..") ca17bcc74084 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename CrystalCap, EEPROMLegacyHTT.. and EEPROMCrys..") cc7c9cb65992 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename SetBWModeIn.., SwChnlInPro.. and ThermalMet..") 18651492d516 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename bResetInPro.., framesyncMo.. and nCur40MhzPri..") a6ee5b0af1e8 ("staging: rtl8192e: Rename bLastDTPFlag_Low, OFDM_index and CCK_index")