47db6b42991e ("Bluetooth: hci_sync: Convert MGMT_OP_GET_CONN_INFO") 353a0249c3f6 ("Bluetooth: hci_sync: Convert MGMT_OP_SET_FAST_CONNECTABLE") cf75ad8b41d2 ("Bluetooth: hci_sync: Convert MGMT_SET_POWERED") ad383c2c65a5 ("Bluetooth: hci_sync: Enable advertising when LL privacy is enabled") e8907f76544f ("Bluetooth: hci_sync: Make use of hci_cmd_sync_queue set 3") cba6b758711c ("Bluetooth: hci_sync: Make use of hci_cmd_sync_queue set 2") 161510ccf91c ("Bluetooth: hci_sync: Make use of hci_cmd_sync_queue set 1") 6a98e3836fa2 ("Bluetooth: Add helper for serialized HCI command execution") 4139ff008330 ("Bluetooth: Fix wrong opcode when LL privacy enabled") 01ce70b0a274 ("Bluetooth: eir: Move EIR/Adv Data functions to its own file") 8961987f3f5f ("Bluetooth: Enumerate local supported codec and cache details") 61969ef867d4 ("Bluetooth: Fix return value in hci_dev_do_close()") 0ea53674d07f ("Bluetooth: Move shutdown callback before flushing tx and rx queue") a25fca4d3c18 ("Bluetooth: mgmt: Fix wrong opcode in the response for add_adv cmd")