#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # PR Tracker Bot tracks pull requests sent to a mailing list (via its # public-inbox v2 git repository), and notifies senders when their pull # requests get merged. # # It runs from a cronjob, but can be also run from post-update hooks with # extra wrappers. For more details, consult: # # https://korg.wiki.kernel.org/userdoc/prtracker # __author__ = 'Konstantin Ryabitsev ' import os import sys import argparse import email import email.message import email.utils import smtplib import time import subprocess import sqlite3 import logging import pathlib import re from fcntl import lockf, LOCK_EX, LOCK_NB from string import Template DB_VERSION = 2 # Case doesn't matter PULL_SUBJECT_RE = [ re.compile(r'^\S*:?\s*\[GIT', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^\S*:?\s*\[PULL', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^\S*:?\s*\[PLEASE PULL', re.IGNORECASE), ] # I like these PULL_BODY_WITH_COMMIT_ID_RE = [ re.compile(r'^\s*for you to fetch changes up to ([0-9a-f]{5,40}):', re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE), ] # I don't like these PULL_BODY_REMOTE_REF_RE = [ re.compile(r'^\s*([\w+-]+(?:://|@)[\w/.@:~-]+)[\s\\]+([\w/._-]+)\s*$', re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'^\s*([\w+-]+(?:://|@)[\w/.@~-]+)\s*$', re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE), ] logger = logging.getLogger('prtracker') def db_migrate_1_to_2(projpath): pirepo, maxshard = get_pirepo_dir(projpath, None) old_dbpath = os.path.join(projpath, '{0}.git'.format(maxshard), 'prs.db') dbconn_old = sqlite3.connect(old_dbpath, sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES) c_old = dbconn_old.cursor() # Get all values from old db pr_rows = c_old.execute('SELECT * FROM prs').fetchall() h_rows = c_old.execute('SELECT * FROM heads').fetchall() dbconn_old.close() dbpath = os.path.join(projpath, 'prtracker.db') dbconn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath, sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES) c = dbconn.cursor() db_init_pr_sqlite_db(c) for row in pr_rows: c.execute('INSERT INTO prs VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)', [maxshard]+list(row)) for row in h_rows: c.execute('INSERT INTO heads VALUES(?,?,?)', [maxshard] + list(row)) dbconn.commit() dbconn.close() def db_save_meta(c): c.execute('DELETE FROM meta') c.execute('''INSERT INTO meta VALUES(?)''', (DB_VERSION,)) def db_save_repo_heads(c, heads, shard=None): if shard is None: c.execute('DELETE FROM heads') for refname, commit_id in heads: c.execute('''INSERT INTO heads VALUES(?,?)''', (refname, commit_id)) return c.execute('DELETE FROM heads WHERE pi_shard=?', (shard,)) for refname, commit_id in heads: c.execute('''INSERT INTO heads VALUES(?,?,?)''', (shard, refname, commit_id)) def db_get_repo_heads(c, shard=None): if shard is None: return c.execute('SELECT refname, commit_id FROM heads').fetchall() return c.execute('SELECT refname, commit_id FROM heads WHERE pi_shard=?', (shard,)).fetchall() def db_init_common_sqlite_db(c): c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE meta ( version INTEGER )''') db_save_meta(c) def db_init_pr_sqlite_db(c): logger.info('Initializing new sqlite3 db with metadata version %s', DB_VERSION) db_init_common_sqlite_db(c) c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE heads ( pi_shard INTEGER, refname TEXT, commit_id TEXT )''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE prs ( pi_shard INTEGER, msg_commit_id TEXT UNIQUE, msg_id TEXT UNIQUE, subject TEXT, pr_commit_id TEXT, received DATE )''') def db_init_thanks_sqlite_db(c): logger.info('Initializing new sqlite3 db with metadata version %s', DB_VERSION) db_init_common_sqlite_db(c) c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE heads ( refname TEXT, commit_id TEXT )''') c.execute(''' CREATE TABLE thanks ( pr_commit_id TEXT, --- pi.prs.pr_commit_id refname TEXT, sent_msgid TEXT, sent DATE )''') def git_get_command_lines(gitdir, args): out = git_run_command(gitdir, args) lines = list() if out: for line in out.split('\n'): if line == '': continue lines.append(line) return lines def git_run_command(gitdir, args, logstderr=False): fullargs = ['git', '--no-pager'] if gitdir: fullargs += ['--git-dir', gitdir] fullargs += args logger.debug('Running %s' % ' '.join(fullargs)) (output, error) = subprocess.Popen(fullargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() output = output.strip().decode('utf-8', errors='replace') if logstderr and len(error.strip()): logger.debug('Stderr: %s', error.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')) return output def git_get_repo_heads(gitdir): refs = list() lines = git_get_command_lines(gitdir, ['show-ref', '--heads']) if lines is not None: for line in lines: (commit_id, refname) = line.split() refs.append((refname, commit_id)) return refs def git_get_message_from_pi(projpath, shard, commit_id): pirepo = os.path.join(projpath, '{0}.git'.format(shard)) full_email = git_run_command(pirepo, ['show', '%s:m' % commit_id]) if not len(full_email): return None msg = email.message_from_string(full_email) return msg def git_get_commit_id_from_repo_ref(repo, ref): # We only handle git and http/s URLs if not (repo.find('git://') == 0 or repo.find('http://') == 0 or repo.find('https://') == 0): logger.debug('%s uses unsupported protocol', repo) return None logger.debug('getting commit-id from: %s %s', repo, ref) # Drop the leading "refs/", if any ref = re.sub(r'^refs/', '', ref) # Is it a full ref name or a shortname? if ref.find('heads/') < 0 and ref.find('tags/') < 0: # Try grabbing it as a head first lines = git_get_command_lines(None, ['ls-remote', repo, 'refs/heads/%s' % ref]) if not lines: # try it as a tag, then lines = git_get_command_lines(None, ['ls-remote', repo, 'refs/tags/%s^{}' % ref]) elif ref.find('tags/') == 0: lines = git_get_command_lines(None, ['ls-remote', repo, 'refs/%s^{}' % ref]) else: # Grab it as a head and hope for the best lines = git_get_command_lines(None, ['ls-remote', repo, 'refs/%s' % ref]) if not lines: # Oh well, we tried logger.debug('did not find commit-id, ignoring pull request') return None commit_id = lines[0].split()[0] logger.debug('success, commit-id: %s', commit_id) return commit_id def get_remote_ref_from_body(body): repo = None ref = None for reporef_re in PULL_BODY_REMOTE_REF_RE: matches = reporef_re.search(body) if matches: chunks = matches.groups() if len(chunks) > 1: (repo, ref) = chunks else: repo = chunks[0] ref = 'refs/heads/master' break return repo, ref def record_pr_data(shard, msg_commit_id, msg, c): body = get_plain_part(msg) if body is None: return False pr_commit_id = None for cid_re in PULL_BODY_WITH_COMMIT_ID_RE: matches = cid_re.search(body) if matches: pr_commit_id = matches.groups()[0] break if pr_commit_id is None: repo, ref = get_remote_ref_from_body(body) if repo is not None: pr_commit_id = git_get_commit_id_from_repo_ref(repo, ref) if pr_commit_id is None: return False logger.debug('pr_commit_id=%s', pr_commit_id) msg_id = msg['Message-Id'] received = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') rechdr = msg.get('Received') if rechdr: received = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z', email.utils.parsedate(rechdr.split(';')[-1].strip())) else: # Do we have a date? datehdr = msg.get('Date') if datehdr: received = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z', email.utils.parsedate(datehdr)) logger.debug('received=%s', received) subject = msg['Subject'].replace('\n', ' ') logger.debug('Found a new PR: %s', subject) logger.debug(' commit_id: %s', pr_commit_id) try: c.execute('INSERT INTO prs VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (shard, msg_commit_id, msg_id, subject, pr_commit_id, received)) return True except sqlite3.IntegrityError: logger.debug('Got integrity-error for %s', msg_id) return False def git_get_new_revs(gitdir, db_heads, git_heads): newrevs = dict() for db_refrow in list(db_heads): if db_refrow in git_heads: logger.debug('No changes in %s', db_refrow[0]) continue (refname, db_commit_id) = db_refrow # Find a matching one in git git_commit_id = None for git_refrow in git_heads: if git_refrow[0] == refname: git_commit_id = git_refrow[1] break if git_commit_id is None: # Looks like this head is gone from git db_heads.remove(db_refrow) continue if db_commit_id == git_commit_id: # No changes in this head continue if len(db_commit_id): rev_range = '%s..%s' % (db_commit_id, git_commit_id) else: rev_range = git_commit_id lines = git_get_command_lines(gitdir, ['rev-list', '--pretty=oneline', '--reverse', rev_range, refname]) if not lines: continue newrevs[refname] = list() for line in lines: (commit_id, logmsg) = line.split(' ', 1) logger.debug('commit_id=%s, subject=%s', commit_id, logmsg) newrevs[refname].append((commit_id, logmsg)) return newrevs def git_get_merge_id(repo, commit_id): # get merge commit id args = ['rev-list', '%s..' % commit_id, '--ancestry-path'] lines = git_get_command_lines(repo, args) return lines[-1] def get_pirepo_dir(projpath, topdir): if topdir: projpath = os.path.join(topdir, projpath) projpath = projpath.rstrip('/') # drop the #.git if we find it if projpath[-4:] == '.git': projpath = os.path.dirname(projpath) subs = os.listdir(projpath) at = 0 while True: if '{0}.git'.format(at+1) not in subs: return projpath, at at += 1 def parse_pull_requests(pirepo, topdir, dryrun): projpath, maxshard = get_pirepo_dir(pirepo, topdir) pirepo = os.path.join(projpath, '{0}.git'.format(maxshard)) logger.debug('pirepo=%s', pirepo) git_heads = git_get_repo_heads(pirepo) if not git_heads: logger.critical('Could not get the latest ref in %s', pirepo) sys.exit(1) try: lockfh = open(os.path.join(projpath, 'prtracker.lock'), 'w') lockf(lockfh, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) except IOError: logger.debug('Could not obtain an exclusive lock, assuming another process is running.') return # Do we have a prtracker.db there yet? dbpath = os.path.join(projpath, 'prtracker.db') db_exists = os.path.isfile(dbpath) if not db_exists: # Do we have a prs.db in the latest shard (metadata 1.0) old_dbpath = os.path.join(pirepo, 'prs.db') if os.path.exists(old_dbpath): db_migrate_1_to_2(projpath) db_exists = True dbconn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath, sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES) c = dbconn.cursor() if not db_exists: # initialize it once we get the latest ref db_init_pr_sqlite_db(c) db_save_repo_heads(c, git_heads, maxshard) # Exit early dbconn.commit() return db_heads = db_get_repo_heads(c, maxshard) if not len(db_heads) and maxshard == 0: logger.info('Not sure what happened, but I did not find any db heads and maxshard=0') return if not len(db_heads): # This should only happen when we have rolled over # between shards, so we need to first finish the # old shard and then prep next run from starting from # the new shard # Prep the next run with the new shard. We use empty # space so that rev-list formulates a ..foo rev-list # that returns the revs from the beginning of history logger.info('Preparing for shard roll-over to %s.git', maxshard) db_save_repo_heads(c, (('refs/heads/master', ''),), maxshard) if not dryrun: dbconn.commit() # Now let's finish with the previous shard maxshard -= 1 # Refresh these pirepo = os.path.join(projpath, '{0}.git'.format(maxshard)) logger.info('Finishing previous shard %s', pirepo) db_heads = db_get_repo_heads(c, maxshard) git_heads = git_get_repo_heads(pirepo) newrevs = git_get_new_revs(pirepo, db_heads, git_heads) if not newrevs: logger.info('No new revs since last run.') return # We are only interested in refs/heads/master for public-inbox msgrevs = newrevs['refs/heads/master'] logger.info('Found %s new messages since last run', len(msgrevs)) new_prs = 0 for commit_id, subject in msgrevs: for subject_re in PULL_SUBJECT_RE: if subject_re.match(subject): logger.debug('potential match: "%s"', subject) msg = git_get_message_from_pi(projpath, maxshard, commit_id) if msg is not None and record_pr_data(maxshard, commit_id, msg, c): new_prs += 1 logger.info('Started tracking: %s', subject) if not new_prs: logger.info('No new PRs found.') db_save_repo_heads(c, git_heads, maxshard) if not dryrun: dbconn.commit() def get_config_from_cfgfile(repo, pitopdir, cmdconfig, cfgfile=None): from configparser import ConfigParser config = dict() if cmdconfig: for entry in cmdconfig: key, value = entry.split('=', 1) config[key] = value if not cfgfile: cfgfile = os.path.join(repo, 'thanks.conf') if not os.path.exists(cfgfile): logger.critical('Could not find cfgfile %s', cfgfile) sys.exit(1) cfg = ConfigParser() cfg.read(cfgfile) for key, value in cfg.items('main'): if key not in config: config[key] = value globpatts = [x.strip() for x in config.get('pirepos', '*').split('\n')] # Find all prtracker.db files in pitopdir tp = pathlib.Path(pitopdir) pirepos = set() for subp in tp.glob('**/prtracker.db'): for globpatt in globpatts: if subp.match(globpatt): pirepos.add(subp.parent.resolve().as_posix()) return pirepos, config def get_all_thanked_prs(c, cutoffdays=30): rows = c.execute(''' SELECT pr_commit_id FROM thanks WHERE sent > datetime('now', ?) ''', ('-%d day' % cutoffdays,)).fetchall() sent_prs = set() for row in rows: sent_prs.update((row[0],)) return sent_prs def get_all_prs(projpath, cutoffdays=30): dbpath = os.path.join(projpath, 'prtracker.db') if not os.path.isfile(dbpath): # The DB does not exist, and we don't create it # from this location. logger.info('No PRs database found, assuming it did not run yet.') return list() prdbconn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath, sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES) prc = prdbconn.cursor() rows = prc.execute(''' SELECT pi_shard, pr_commit_id, msg_commit_id FROM prs WHERE received >= datetime('now', ?) ''', ('-%d day' % cutoffdays,)).fetchall() return rows def get_plain_part(msg): # walk until we find the first text/plain part body = None for part in msg.walk(): if part.get_content_type().find('text/plain') < 0: continue body = part.get_payload(decode=True) if body is None: continue # We don't have to bother with charsets, because # we are looking for content that's guaranteed to be # in us-ascii. body = body.decode('utf-8', errors='replace') # Look for evidence of a git pull request in this body (repo, ref) = get_remote_ref_from_body(body) if repo is None: body = None continue logger.debug('Found a part with (%s, %s)', repo, ref) break return body def get_unprocessed_prs(c, prs, cutoffdays=30): sent_prs = get_all_thanked_prs(c, cutoffdays) new_prs = list() for row in prs: if row[1] not in sent_prs: new_prs.append(row) return new_prs def to_or_cc_contains(tocc, addrs): for addr in addrs.split(','): if addr.strip() in tocc: return True return False def format_addrs(pairs): return ', '.join([email.utils.formataddr(pair) for pair in pairs]) def thank_for_pr(c, repo, refname, commit_id, projpath, pi_shard, msg_commit_id, config, dryrun, nomail): # Make sure we haven't thanked for it already c.execute('SELECT sent_msgid FROM thanks WHERE pr_commit_id=? AND refname=?', (commit_id, refname)) rows = c.fetchall() if rows: logger.debug('Already thanked for this PR, skipping') return None orig = git_get_message_from_pi(projpath, pi_shard, msg_commit_id) if orig is None: return None origbody = get_plain_part(orig) if origbody is None: return None if 'notifinbody' in config: # Don't send anything if we find a certain string in the body # e.g. 'pr-tracker-no-ack' if origbody.find(config['notifinbody']) >= 0: logger.debug('Body contains notifinbody string') logger.debug('Skipping this Pull Request') return None if 'onlyifinbody' in config: # Only send follow-up if we find a specific string in the body # e.g. 'pr-tracker-ack' if origbody.find(config['onlyifinbody']) < 0: logger.debug('Body does not contain onlyifinbody string') logger.debug('Skipping this Pull Request') return None allfrom = email.utils.getaddresses(orig.get_all('from', [])) allto = email.utils.getaddresses(orig.get_all('to', [])) allcc = email.utils.getaddresses(orig.get_all('cc', [])) targets = [chunk[1] for chunk in allfrom+allto+allcc] if 'onlyifto' in config: # Don't send anything unless the required email is in to or cc if not to_or_cc_contains(targets, config['onlyifto']): logger.debug('To or CC do not contain: %s', config['onlyifto']) logger.debug('Skipping this Pull Request') return None if 'notifto' in config: # Don't send anything if we find a specific address in to or cc if to_or_cc_contains(targets, config['notifto']): logger.debug('To or CC contains: %s', config['notifto']) logger.debug('Skipping this Pull Request') return None reqdate = orig.get('Date') if not reqdate: rechdr = orig.get('Received') reqdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S', email.utils.parsedate(rechdr.split(';')[-1].strip())) msgvalues = dict() merge_id = git_get_merge_id(repo, commit_id) msgvalues['refname'] = refname msgvalues['shortrefname'] = refname.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] msgvalues['commit_id'] = merge_id msgvalues['merge_id'] = merge_id msgvalues['origsubject'] = orig['Subject'] remoterepo, remoteref = get_remote_ref_from_body(origbody) msgvalues['remoteref'] = '(unable to parse the git remote)' if remoterepo is not None: msgvalues['remoteref'] = '%s %s' % (remoterepo, remoteref) msgvalues['reqdate'] = reqdate msgvalues['treename'] = '' if 'treename' in config: msgvalues['treename'] = config['treename'] msgvalues['br'] = '\n' msgvalues['brbr'] = '\n\n' msg = email.message.Message() msg['Subject'] = Template(config['msgsubject']).safe_substitute(msgvalues) msg['From'] = config['from'] # Set threading bits msg['In-Reply-To'] = orig['Message-Id'] if orig.get('References', ''): msg['References'] = orig['References'] + ' ' + orig['Message-Id'] else: msg['References'] = orig['Message-Id'] msg['X-PR-Tracked-List-Id'] = orig.get('List-Id', '') msg['X-PR-Tracked-Message-Id'] = orig['Message-Id'] msg['X-PR-Tracked-Remote'] = msgvalues['remoteref'] msg['X-PR-Tracked-Commit-Id'] = commit_id msg['X-PR-Merge-Tree'] = msgvalues['treename'] msg['X-PR-Merge-Refname'] = refname msg['X-PR-Merge-Commit-Id'] = merge_id msg['Message-Id'] = email.utils.make_msgid('pr-tracker-bot', domain='kernel.org') msg['Date'] = email.utils.formatdate(localtime=True) # Set to and cc if 'onlyto' in config: msg['To'] = config['onlyto'] # Override targets targets = [config['onlyto']] else: msg['To'] = format_addrs(allfrom) msg['Cc'] = format_addrs(allto+allcc) if 'alwayscc' in config: if msg.get('cc', ''): msg['Cc'] = msg.get('cc', '') + ', %s' % config['alwayscc'] else: msg['Cc'] = config['alwayscc'] if config['alwayscc'] not in targets: targets.append(config['alwayscc']) if 'alwaysbcc' in config: if config['alwaysbcc'] not in targets: targets.append(config['alwaysbcc']) msg.set_payload(Template(config['msgbody']).safe_substitute(msgvalues)) logger.debug('Message follows') logger.debug(msg.as_string()) if not nomail: logger.info('Mailing thanks for: %s', orig['Subject']) smtp = smtplib.SMTP(config['mailhost']) smtp.sendmail(msg['From'], targets, msg.as_string()) smtp.close() else: logger.info('Would have sent the following:') logger.info('------------------------------') logger.info(msg.as_string()) logger.info('------------------------------') if not dryrun: try: c.execute('INSERT INTO thanks VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)', (commit_id, refname, msg['Message-Id'], time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z', time.gmtime()))) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: logger.debug('Got integrity-error for %s/%s', refname, commit_id) return msg['Message-Id'] def send_thanks(repo, pitopdir, cfgfile, cmdconfig, nomail, dryrun): if dryrun: nomail = True git_heads = git_get_repo_heads(repo) if not git_heads: logger.critical('Could not get the latest ref in %s', repo) sys.exit(1) try: with open(os.path.join(repo, '.prtracker.lock'), 'w') as lockfh: lockf(lockfh, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) except IOError: logger.debug('Could not obtain an exclusive lock, assuming another process is running.') return # Do we have a thanks.db there yet? dbpath = os.path.join(repo, 'thanks.db') db_exists = os.path.isfile(dbpath) dbconn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath, sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES) c = dbconn.cursor() if not db_exists: db_init_thanks_sqlite_db(c) db_save_repo_heads(c, git_heads) # Exit early dbconn.commit() return pirepos, settings = get_config_from_cfgfile(repo, pitopdir, cmdconfig, cfgfile=cfgfile) logger.debug('config follows') logger.debug(settings) tycount = 0 for pirepo in pirepos: projpath, maxshard = get_pirepo_dir(pirepo, None) logger.info('Grabbing PR commits from %s', projpath) cutoffdays = 30 try: cutoffdays = int(settings['cutoffdays']) except (IndexError, ValueError): pass prs = get_all_prs(projpath, cutoffdays=cutoffdays) logger.debug('Found %s PRs in %s', len(prs), projpath) un_prs = get_unprocessed_prs(c, prs, cutoffdays=cutoffdays) logger.debug('Of them, %s not already thanked for', len(un_prs)) for pi_shard, pr_commit_id, msg_commit_id in un_prs: logger.debug('Checking %s', pr_commit_id) # Is this pr_commit_id in the repo? lines = git_get_command_lines(repo, ['branch', '--contains', pr_commit_id]) if len(lines): refname = 'refs/heads/%s' % lines[0].split()[-1] logger.debug('Found %s in %s', pr_commit_id, refname) sent_msgid = thank_for_pr(c, repo, refname, pr_commit_id, projpath, pi_shard, msg_commit_id, settings, dryrun, nomail) if sent_msgid and not dryrun: tycount += 1 dbconn.commit() if not dryrun: db_save_repo_heads(c, git_heads) dbconn.commit() if tycount: logger.info('Sent %s thank-you notes.', tycount) else: logger.info('No new thank-yous to send.') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-p', '--parse-requests', dest='pirepo', default=None, help='Check the Public Inbox ML repository for any new pull requests.') parser.add_argument('-m', '--mail-thankyous', dest='tyrepo', default=None, help='Check the repository and thank for any matching pulled PRs.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--pirepos-topdir', dest='topdir', default=None, help='Toplevel path where all public-inbox repos are (optional)') parser.add_argument('-o', '--override-config', dest='config', nargs='+', default=list(), help='Override config entries in the cfgfile (used with -m)') parser.add_argument('-c', '--cfgfile', default=None, help='Config file to use instead of thanks.conf in the repo (used with -m)') parser.add_argument('-l', '--logfile', default=None, help='Log file for messages during quiet operation') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dry-run', dest='dryrun', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not mail or store anything, just do a dry run.') parser.add_argument('-b', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Add debug information to the log file, if specified.') parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-mail', dest='nomail', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not mail anything, but store database entries.') parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', default=False, help='Only output errors to the stdout') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Output extra debugging information') cmdargs = parser.parse_args() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if cmdargs.logfile: ch = logging.FileHandler(cmdargs.logfile) formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(process)d] - %(asctime)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) if cmdargs.debug: ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(ch) ch = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) if cmdargs.quiet: ch.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) elif cmdargs.verbose: ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(ch) if cmdargs.pirepo is not None: parse_pull_requests(cmdargs.pirepo, cmdargs.topdir, cmdargs.dryrun) if cmdargs.tyrepo is not None: send_thanks(cmdargs.tyrepo, cmdargs.topdir, cmdargs.cfgfile, cmdargs.config, cmdargs.nomail, cmdargs.dryrun)